Chapter 52

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Another special chapter, and a moment between Liang and Y/n.
Y/n's pov;
"So why are we going to be outside all day?" I asked, as I followed behind Hajime, Seitarou, and Yamato with the other inmates of building 13.

"It's 4th of July today, so we celebrate it and it's the one day you inmates get a whole day outside to swim, and other activities." Seitarou said.

"Plus other buildings will be there." Yamato said.

"Number 07, you have your noise canceling headphones right?" Hajime asked.

"Yeah," I said.

Uno puts his arm around my shoulder. "Tb/n, we should go swimming.".

"I would join you, but I can't swim. I'll just watch you try to drown Rock.".


"Or I'll hang out with Liang and everyone else." I said.

"What was that about Uno going to drown me?" Rock asked.

"Did I say that?" I asked. I looked at Uno. "Did you hear me say that?".

"No, I didn't hear you say that. I think you're hearing things, Rock." Uno played along with me.

"Oh okay," Rock said.Me and Uno bust up laughing for Rock actually getting fooled. "What?".

"Nothing," Me and Uno said at the same time.


"Woah," I said to the huge field with inmates and guards outside enjoying the hot weather. Some of the inmates and guards were in the big pool swimming around. "This is hug-" Uno and Rock pushed past me and knocks me to the ground. They literally took off their shirts since they're wearing swim trunks. "Hey, watch it!".

"I'm gonna win!" Uno said.

"The hell you are!" Rock said.

Nico ran after them. "Wait for me!".

"No, I'm okay thanks for asking!!!" I yelled.

Two arms grabbed me by the arms and helped me up. I dust myself off, and looked back to Liang in swim trunks with no shirt. I saw how built he was, and he had a six pack starting to form up along with a sharp v line.

"Damn, hello." I thought. I realized I was staring and snapped out of it. "Uh, appreciate you helping me up.".

"No problem," Liang looks at my clothes. "Won't you get hot in those clothes? It's really hot out here.".

"Well, I don't really wanna show off my body. A lot of people finds my appearance gross or freaked out, of what my body looks like." I said. "Plus I can't let everyone especially Hajime and Samon see a part of my talisman tattoo on my back that Neytiri and Lou did.. Neytiri's ki is slowly disappearing, and once the ki is gone and the tattoo is fully revealed on my whole back. I'll lose my control, and this ability will activate way more than I like. Luckily, it's a small tiny piece of my talisman right now, I give it a few more weeks." I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall.

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