Chapter 33 - Exchange student

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The disappointment in Soobin's face was evident, and Ryujin knew she had to face this.

"Soobin, believe me when I say that we didn't set out to have an affair," Ryujin said, quickly. Her eyes were watery as she looked at him, apologetically. "I happened to go into her flower shop while working on a project. I didn't know she worked there since we didn't keep in touch. We... just went out to lunch to catch up. I found out she was married and I told her I was too... And... we thought we could just be friends..."

Ryujin swallowed. "We started spending time together as friends and the longer it went... the more I realized that... I still love her... After all that time, I was still so madly in love with her that I couldn't sleep."

Now that he thinks, Soobin remembered that brief time when Ryujin would toss and turn for several minutes before falling asleep. Sometimes, she would get up in the middle of the night and leave their bedroom. He didn't pay attention to those times.

"We had dinner one night and went for a walk at the Han River before going home... and I kissed her."

Ryujin suddenly sat up, her gaze on Soobin. "I didn't want to cheat on you, Soobin. And I didn't want to hurt you. You've always been a good husband to me and I believed that I loved you. But... being with Yeji... hugging her... kissing her... it felt right... It still does... when I kiss her, she gives me butterflies in ways... in ways that kissing you never gave me."

Soobin thought he would feel hurt or even offended by that statement. But, he felt nothing.

"Have you ever felt that with anyone?" Ryujin suddenly asked.

Visions of plump lips on his invaded Soobin's mind and his heart immediately picked up pace. He could feel the rush of blood heating up his face as he thought about how soft those lips were, how perfectly they fit his, and how much he longed to feel them again.

It confused him.

Ryujin peered up at him, curiously. "You're... thinking of someone, aren't you?"

Soobin swallowed but didn't answer. Instead, he said, "Yeji's husband and I... we know."

His wife looked surprised. "He does? Oh no. He's mad at Yeji, isn't he? I have to call her."

She moved to get her phone, but Soobin's next words stopped her in her tracks.

"We've known for months. We've been trying to break you two up. Well, mostly Yeonjun."

Involuntarily, his lips quivered into a fond smile. "He doesn't give up, that Choi Yeonjun. It was his idea to follow you two to Kangyang. He wanted us to confront you both, but when he saw you two... he couldn't." He breathed in, deeply. "I was with him the entire night. We came home yesterday but I haven't heard from him."

"Do you... like him?"

Yeonjun's smiling face popped in Soobin's mind. "Of course. He's a good friend."

"No, not like that. I mean... Do you like him? I've never heard you talk about any of your other friends the way you talk about him."

There was now a lump in his throat as his thoughts went back to that night... that night when everything between the two of them changed. He may have acted like it wasn't a big deal when, in fact, it was a very huge deal.

He just didn't know exactly how to face it.

"I... I don't know. I mean, I'm happy around him. But.. I don't know. And, frankly, I don't know how I can trust anyone else with my heart."

He wasn't referring to Ryujin's affair as he was now well aware that he never really loved her the way a husband should love his wife. And she didn't know about his college roommate.

Nonetheless, Ryujin's tears now freely fell and her shoulders shook in distress, as she looked at him with such devastation.

"Soobin, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm really, really sorry."

Soobin took her in his arms and rubbed her back, letting her tears soak his shirt. "I know."

Pulling away, he reached out and took the folder lying on the coffee table. He opened it up and passed it over to Ryujin.

Eyes wide, Ryujin scanned it. "You.. you signed it."

His signature in black ink was right there on the line, signifying his agreement to the divorce.

"I think it's time for the both of us to be happy, don't you think so too?"

Bawling with happiness, Ryujin fell into Soobin, arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you! Soobin, thank you!" She briefly pulled away, sniffling as she smiled. "I love you."

It was a platonic declaration of love. Her heart belonged to someone else. It was never his. And, frankly, Soobin's heart never was hers either.

Soobin returned the smile as he brushed her tears away. "I love you too."

He kissed her forehead and pulled her back into his arms, offering her comfort.

Weeks ago, he had dreaded the appearance of that paper. But, now, he was thankful for it.

He never thought that it would feel so... free.


a/n: It is important to understand that getting a divorce isn't a walk in the park, it involves two people (two businesses and families in this case) and they have to mutually decide what is best for them. If Soobin had harshly decided, their reputation could have been jeopardized and eventually their business. Now that both have departed on their own terms, it doesn't hurt other people. Soobin also just thought this was love until Yeonjun came in; also it was only Ryujin's fault here to not open up earlier. Humans make mistakes, and we forgive others because life is too short to hold grudges❤️

One couple - divorce down, see you soon for how the other one pans out! XD

Take care lovelies! 

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