Chapter 34 - Time for happiness

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Three days passed after he and Soobin returned from Kangyang and Yeonjun finally had the guts to get in touch with him again. He was embarrassed about what happened that night.

That one night.

He couldn't help but blame himself for it so he distanced himself from Soobin.

Furthermore, he couldn't bear to be under the same roof as Yeji, so the day he returned from Kangyang, he packed up some clothes, left a short note on the dining room table, and stayed with Beomgyu.

Right now, he was waiting for Soobin at a park bench close to his office. It was public and neutral ground so nothing was to happen. Not that he was thinking that anything was going to happen.


His thoughts were broken at the familiar voice.

Soobin was in front of him, relieved of his usual suit jacket and his button-down sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

It looked nice.

Flashes of that night appeared in Yeonjun's head and he mentally swatted them away, afraid he would start blushing.

Too late. He could already feel the blood rushing to his cheeks.

"Am I late?" Soobin asked, sitting next to him.

"No, not at all," Yeonjun replied. "Glad you can make it."

Soobin flashed him a smile. "So, what's up?"

Yeonjun turned to him, donning a serious face now. "Well, the plan at Kangyang didn't work but we shouldn't be deterred. So, I was thinking that this time, I can take Yeji on a trip. Do you, guys, have a branch hotel in Busan? It's getting warmer and.."

"Yeonjun, wait."

There was something about Soobin's tone that made Yeonjun stop and give him a questioning look.

Avoiding Yeonjun's gaze, Soobin nervously ran a hand through his hair, messing up the normally neat strands.

"Yeonjun I..." He swallowed and took a deep breath before meeting Yeonjun's eyes. "I don't want to do this anymore."

Confused, Yeonjun furrowed his brows. "What do you mean? There's still hope."

"I agreed to the divorce. I signed the papers."

It was as if a giant boulder fell on top of Yeonjun's head as the words sunk in.

"You're giving up?" he echoed his thoughts in disbelief.

Beside him, Soobin sighed, closing his eyes. "Yes. I'm giving up. I'm giving up on a marriage that neither Ryujin and I want to be a part of anymore."


Yeonjun couldn't understand. Why would Soobin just give up on his wife and marriage just like that? All their efforts in the last couple of months... were they all for nothing? Granted, none of them worked, but still!

How could Soobin just give up?! If he expected Yeonjun to give up with him, he had another thing coming!

Soobin finally looked at him, his eyes boring on Yeonjun's, as if staring into his soul.

"I think... you should give up too..."


"Yeonjun, you deserve to be happy..."

"I will be when I get Yeji back."

"Don't you think it's time that you let Yeji go to find her own happiness? You've been holding on to her so tight and soon, that won't do either of you any good-."

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