4: The Oath

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After Y/n buried the body of Abin Sur, he took the ring and lantern in his possession back to his apartment, determined to figure out just what the hell's going on and why someone like an alien would choose him to be in possession of these items. Meanwhile on Oa, the Green Lantern known as Sinestro, was currently standing in front of a group of blue aliens, sitting on pedestals.

They were the Guardians, the ones who founded the willpower that gives a Green Lantern its abilities, listening to the thrilling news given from Sinestro

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They were the Guardians, the ones who founded the willpower that gives a Green Lantern its abilities, listening to the thrilling news given from Sinestro.

Sinestro: A great light has gone out in the universe. Abin Sur is dead. Four of my Lantern brothers killed. The inhabitants of two worlds annihilated by an unknown enemy. An enemy that possesses the yellow power of fear. We know it originated from somewhere within the Lost Sector. We know it grows more powerful with each encounter. According to Abin Sur's last transmission, he seemed to know what it was. His only words were, "It's Parallax."

The Guardians were skeptical as to believe Sinestro or not, but it wasn't a coincidence if there were four deaths of not one, but four Green Lanterns, one of which includes the legendary Abin Sur.

Male Guardian 1: We are aware of the threat. We are assessing the situation.

Sinestro: [Serious] While you assess, innocent lives will be lost. Let me take the fight to this new enemy.

Female Guardian: There is much of which you are not aware, Sinestro.

Male Guardian 1: If the danger is as great as we suspect...

Sinestro: [Confused] What are you saying? You believe this enemy can defeat us?

The Guardians were silent, not giving a single answer of response to Sinestro, who drops his head in the inevitability that Parallax may just be able to wipe out a whole army of Green Lanterns.

Sinestro: [Not giving up hope] Guardians, if your faith in our power has faltered, let me renew it. Let me take a squadron of my strongest Lanterns against this enemy... and I'll prove to you our best days are not behind us.

The Guardians grant Sinestro his request, knowing if anyone can put a fight to Parallax, then it's the Green Lantern that Abin Sur was of a great ally to. Sinestro flies off, preparing to bring the fight against Parallax and to hand pick the Lanterns he deems worthy enough to fight by his side. Back on Earth, a man is sitting at home, playing Chess on his computer.

 Back on Earth, a man is sitting at home, playing Chess on his computer

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