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Felicity never realised the time when she'd polished off Roger's gourmet meal. It was around half eight, the band always met at the studio at about quarter past nine. She had forty five minutes to tune her bass, and get on a train.

She had quickly hugged Roger goodbye, still in his giddy school boy state.

Along with a small embrace from Brian who was talking non stop about their potential set.

Roger was so fond when he hugged her, squeezing her torso so much she thought her top half might pop off. Felicity could've sworn he'd kissed the top of her head.

They all congretated at Malcom's studio two times a week for practise, an hour and a half a pop. The rehearsal time was for playing, not learning Fliss used to lecture Malcom. He finally got the gist, and learnt songs at home so they could all get on in the time they'd bout with tight money.

Jackie told her they'd arranged a three hour session, seeing as Felicity had been away for a month. The songs they were playing at the one heart were so memorable, she wouldn't have to de learn them. A few originals along with some well known classics.

Suprisingly, Twist and Shout was one of them.

Fliss retrieved the small peice of paper with the set list on it from her bass case. It was held tightly between her knees on the rickety train lines. Bumping her knee every now and then when they came to different stops.

Red Velvet
New Orleans Waiting
Spinster's gold
House Of The Rising Sun
Come Together
California Dreamin
People Are Strange

Felicity had starred 'Proud' seeing as it was their most popular tune. It was the one that always got the crowds going, and the Groupies twirling.

Felicity was distraught to be able to say the Malcom did sing backing on a few songs. He was decent, but she'd never take to admitting that.

The train landed on her stop, Fliss luggged the bass up from the floor, starting for the train doors at the middle of the carriage. She gained a wide eyed look from a small boy who was perched on his mother's lap. Shaggy hair that brushed about the frame of his face lay in chestnut locks.

"Look Mummy, a rockstar!" He pointed and giggled at Felicity's case.

Felicity beamed at the Mother who was laughing at her son's hysterics.

"I'm sorry." The mother apologised, smoothing down the boy's shaggy fringe.

The train came to a stop now.

"Don't be." Felicity smiled at the little boy. "Fly high little man." She finished and splayed her palm out for a high five.

He wasted no moments before reaching up with all of his strength to high five her back. His handspan fitted into her palm sweetly.

His Mother mouthed a little. "Thank you." Before Fliss had to hop off the train.

Felicity grinned back and waved as the little boy flourished his hands in a sweet goodbye. Felicity's heart melted upon the sight.

He seemed so excited.

I wander if he'll be a rockstar one day.
Felicity pondered making for the familiar route to Malcom's garage.

It was around a five minute walk from the station to his lock up. She enjoyed every second, every pattering of her steps against the concrete. Every breath she took she endured mightily. Anything was better than Malcom Springs.

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