Chapter Fourteen: Resurgence

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Illari swatted away the final drone that had been pursuing her with the end of her rifle, the sparking heap of burning metal fell through the sky and exploded as it impacted with the ground. The lightbearer hovered in the air panting, sweat dripping down her face as a fresh wave of light swept over her. She floated above a battlefield of destroyed drones and debris from various missiles that had been fired at her, unscathed save from a few scratches and bruises that she had yet to heal.

She flinched as a crumbling library toppled to the ground behind her, the screams of fleeing civilians filled her ears as she hurriedly spun around on the spot and dashed towards the rubble. The adrenaline flooded her veins, her heart pounding against her rib cage, the intensity of the situation ever present in her mind as the painful reality was set before her. She crouched down next to the closest bit of debris, setting her Solar rifle on her back as she reached for a small disk shaped object before tossing it forwards in a mixture of grace and efficiency. It hovered above the ground for a few moments before setting down next to a bleeding woman, the disk rotating as it became a small construct with a ball of glowing yellow energy on top, a stream of light connecting to the woman with the glowing bulb pulsating as her wounds began to close. The lightbearer held out her hand as the woman marvelled at what was happening to her.

"Come on, you need to go!" Illari shouted out, breaking her from the curious trance she was briefly in. The lady took her hand before she was hoisted onto her feet. Illari let go and pointed towards a long and I damaged road, a flock of civilians already running down the street.

"There, that's the evacuation route, go bef-" Illari couldn't even finish her sentence as the woman pushed past her, screaming into the smoke filled sky as she fled the scene. Illari stood there wincing at the piercing sound, mumbling something in Spanish before she turned around and picked up her pylon from the ground, it's form reverting to the disk shape before placed away. The lightbearer turned her head back towards the Titan, hectic purple sparks flying from its giant mechanical form made her stare on.

The sight captivated her as it plunged her into a pit of anxiety, flashes of your earlier ruined and broken state flooded her mind, the recognition that overexerting yourself like this would land you in an early grave stood at the centre of her attention. Vicious streaks of lightning tore through the sky, the twitching and twisting metal that was erupting from the Titan only showed her that you were doing more than too much.

"Y/N... you ignorant fool!" Illari yelled as solar energy was threaded through her augments, a beautiful illumination casting away the nearby shadows as she leapt up and began to hover, her sight set on the crackling lightning that flew from the Titan. It was so vicious, the forks of lightning brighter and stronger than she had seen from you before. Not even in training when you were pushing yourself had you displayed this.

It made her panic.

Your condition earlier meant that you couldn't do this, the struggles your body went through to even keep you awake was extraordinary, let alone being able to fight in such a state. But this was too much, your augments clearly needed more than what you were able to put in, and it was beginning to show.

This was bad.

A blinding flash emitted from her legs as she began her flight towards the Titan, but a crowd of screams and a thundering crash violently paused her movement as she looked over her shoulder, barely catching a glimpse of a collapsing building as a raging wave of fire broke out among the ruins. Panicky, she looked back at the Titan with widened eyes, watching the volts grow more violent, but a nagging voice endlessly alerted her to the evacuation that needed to be overseen.

Her heart bested against her chest, the dawning realisation that she was now forced to choose one or the other. If she saved you from yourself, then it would only be a matter of time before the Titan reactivated itself and continued its onslaught. But if she focused on the civilians and the evacuation, tending to those who could need her help.

Solar Storm (Overwatch Illari x Male reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя