7|surprising encounter!

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A/n: The famous b00bs chapter is here. Play the song 'e.t' by Katy Perry for this chapter.
Goals for this chapter are 900+ reads and 120 votes to unlock ch-8&9 together.

 Goals for this chapter are 900+ reads and 120 votes to unlock ch-8&9 together

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If I was trying to avoid my neighbour I should have maintained my distance from him in every possible situation, right? Was I following this? No. Am I losing my mind?


Because if you decide to avoid someone you wouldn't wake up early in the morning to bake cookies for them because they gave you your favourite ice-cream for a good night's sleep. You wouldn't, but guess what? I did. 

You wouldn't walk to their door like a thief, wearing your hoodie's cap and black shades as a disguise to drop a jar of chocolate walnut cookies at their door. You probably wouldn't and you know what? I did it. 

Instead of knowing very well that I shouldn't take chances to come in front of Mr.Jeon, I was doing all sorts of things to invite his attention. I wanted to thank him for last night and also for the…white lilies. 

It's just that I was lucky that i hadn't been caught up yet, and if i continue to risk anymore, that day was not very far when he would just fail me in biology for doing this stunt on him. I couldn't take my steps back now, it was too late and the only option I was left with was to continue this hide and seek game with him. 

The class was going to start in a minute and my focus was on the wooden door, waiting for Mr.Jeon's entry into the class. Did he get the cookies? 

"Y/n? Where is your earring?" Maya nudged my arm and I shifted my eyes towards Lia and her. They were busy uploading pictures on Instagram. "Look, your earring is missing." 

I zeroed my eyes on the screen and it was the picture we took from the club from last weekend, I was only wearing it in one ear and another piece was missing. "I don't know, I remember I had it when I left my house. Maybe I dropped it somewhere." 

"Wasn't that your favourite one?" Lia asked. 

"Yeah. I'll check it in my room again." I was least bothered about that earring at that moment and I could say that my response didn't really satisfy Maya and Lia as they both were giving me eyes. I was occupied with something else, or to be correct, someone else. 

And finally, he came. 

And all of a sudden I felt like all the nerves running under my skin decided to focus on his presence and forget about everything around me. The way my mind and my body got prepared  to focus on him was dangerous. 

These things were not making any sense to me. Right from the moment this man had come into my vision and the way I had been reacting to him, it was all weird and new. And just when I thought nothing could make my situation even tough for me to figure out, he turned around and stopped his gaze on me. 

Dear, Professor Jeon | jjk (18+)Where stories live. Discover now