wings reclaimed (poetry)

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As there I stood in a barren land,
Far away from your tainted hand,

A story so moving flashed in my head,
Of rising hope from what was once dead.

'The bird was freed from the cages,
At last, she saw the sunlight she hadn't seen for ages.

No longer did their shadow haunt her night,
No longer did their chains hold her tight.

The rope they'd tied, she had burned,
The taste of their "freedom," Was bitter, she learned.

As time passed, she flew and fell,
She stood up again-she was free from hell.'

The melody of this bird fills my heart,
This poem is not a tale; it's beauty, it's an art.

(Wrote something happy after a long time >_< I hope y'all will like it. It's originally written by me and edited with the help of bot)

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