Chapter twenty five: It's not your fault.

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"Everything you're saying is bullshit! My sister and I are very close if something like that happened she would tell me! Especially after she found out I'm hanging out with you!" I said vehemently.
"No, she wouldn't." He said hesitantly.

Levis POV:

I walked in the house and my mother was cooking.
She was rarely home at this time of the day usually she would be in the hospital.

"Levi?" She called out from the kitchen to see if it was me or if it was someone else.
"Yes?" I answered.

The smell of vegetables was strong. For the first time in a long time I felt like I was home.

My sister ran over to hug me. Christin was 6 years old with bouncy curls and a couple teeth missing. No one would admit it, but everyone was trying to fill Joseph's void with Christin. But she wasn't given the attention she needed because at the end of the day, she wasn't Joseph. I had a huge soft spot for her.

"Hi, baby." I said calmly, holding her in my arms.

I picked her up holding her in my arms and walked over to my mother.
"Hey." I greeted her and she came over to hug me then I leaned Christin on the table.
"How was school? You're late." She asked me.
"It was okay. Where's Dad?" I asked her as I didn't want to see him.
"He went to the grocery store." She answered.
"Levi do you want to see what I did at school today?" Christin said.
"Yes! Go get what you made and bring it for me to see it." I answered her with excitement.

I sat down and laid my head on my hands.

"What's wrong with you?" My mother asked me again.
"Nothing I'm just tired."
"I don't know...I'm just really really really tired mom..." I sighed.
"What happened?" She asked me letting go of what she was doing.
"Even if I told you you wouldn't understand. Or you probably wouldn't care." I said and walked away. I was outside the door of Christin's room.
"What's taking you so long!" I said excitedly.
"Wait! Close your eyes first!" She submitted.
I closed them.
"Now you can look!" She said and I opened my eyes.

Right in front of my face he had brought a drawing.

Right in front of my face he had brought a drawing

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I was so angry.
I got mad. I couldn't believe it.

"What the actual fuck!" I screamed going towards my mother.
"What?" She said anxiously.
"How fucked up can this family be!"
"Are you out of your mind?" She yelled in my face.
"Can you explain to me what this is?" I said and showed her the painting. She held it and looked at it.
"It's just a drawing..." My mother said in a whisper.
"Are you kidding me?!"
"Stop it, Levi."
"Do you want me to stop? Christin sees me as her father. By the way, when was the last time you took her to school? The last time you played with her?! You can pretend that you're protecting us and that you won't go away because Christin needs a father, but that's fucking bullshit! I mean look at the picture he's not even in it!"

She didn't say anything just stood there.

"Get your ass..." She started saying softly and then she continued.
"Off my goddamn kitchen!" She screamed with all her might.
"Get out! Now!" She kept yelling and made the drawing a ball and threw it in the trash.
"When you acknowledge this whole situation and still choose to do nothing is worse abuse than him actually putting his hands on us. You're worse than him." I spoke calmly and went to Christin's room.

"Levi?" She asked me in fear.
I started to pack up her things.
"What did I do?" She asked again.
"Nothing. We're going for a walk, okay?" I said and picked her up in my arms.

I walked past the kitchen and my mom saw us leave.

"Levi, what are you doing?" She came quickly towards me.
"Listen to me! You can do whatever you want with yourself. You can go drown for all I care. But Christin is staying here!" She started pulling me like a maniac.
"Let go of me!" I said and opened the door and left.


Celyn's POV:

Suddenly the bell rang.
I rolled down my sleeve nervously and went to answer it.
It was Levi with a little girl.

After a while they arrived at my door.
I opened slowly.
"What happened?" I whispered.
"Can we come in?" He asked me, embarrassed.
"This isn't a good time." I informed him.
"Please..." He said.
"Can't you go to Jun's house?" I asked him as it really wasn't the right time.
"He couldn't take us in... Please can we come in? We don't have anywhere else to go."
"Fine... Come in." I said and opened the door.


I met Nadia as I was entering the house.
She was leaving.

"Where were you?" She came over, she hugged me and kissed me on the forehead.
"You know... School..."
"Okay! I have to go now because I'm gonna ve late to work." She said hurriedly.
I waved goodbye and then I realized that Nadia doesn't work.
"Wait! Since when do you work?" I quickly turned around.
"Bye! Love you!" She yelled and pressed the throttle.

I went home but there was no one there.
My father's office door was open but he wasn't in.

"Hello?" I shouted and the only response I got was the echo of my own voice.
"Anybody home?" I called out again.
It seemed strange as my mother doesn't work so she's always home.

I started searching the rooms one by one.
Opening doors to see if anyone was inside.
"Mom?" I whispered.
I opened the last door.
What I saw was not at all what I expected.
Not something new but not something I expected.

My mother had made another attempt. Her mouth was full of foam and her hand was dangling from the bed holding a box of drugs.
Next to her on the nightstand was a half-empty glass of whiskey.

"Mom!" I shouted.
I wasn't sad, I didn't feel bad. I was angry, disappointed.
After all these years she still only cared about herself.
I walked over to her and aggressively pulled the blanket off her.
"What the fuck did you do!?" I screamed, my voice cracking.

Someone who doesn't know my story would
say that I was the bad and the selfish one from the way I see everything from my point of view.

"I fucking hate you!" I yelled as I pulled her away.
"Hey Siri call 911!"
I checked for a pulse.
She was still alive.
After a few seconds a lady answered.
"911 What is your emergency?"


I watched the ambulance leave with my mother inside.

I ran to my room.
I started banging, crying and screaming.
I opened my underwear drawer.
I took out a jewelry box, opened it and inside I had my razor blade.

I don't know why but as much as I said I didn't care if she lived or not I blamed myself for what she had become.
Maybe if it wasn't for me she wouldn't be like this.

I held the blade in my hand. I was shaking.
I rolled up my sleeve and white marks from old self-harm were visible.

~Just one more cut~

Repeated in my mind.

/ one \ two \ three

~There's no turning back now~

/ four / five \ six

Suddenly the bell rang.
I lowered my sleeve nervously and went to answer the door.
It was Levi.

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