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Luffy: Hahahahahahahahahaha

Everyone: Shut up.

Luffy: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, but this is pretty funny, he-he-he-he, look, he-he-he.

Nami: What's fun when a beetle attacks another? You're stupid.

Luffy: Ha, no, you're the idiot here

Nami: (angrily) Ha.

In a few seconds, Luffy was defeated on the ground, crying next to the beetle that lost the fight.

Zoro: Hahaha, you never change.

Nami: Shut up, too. You still don't know your right from your left.

Sanji: Haha, well done Nami-san, Marimo is a stupid idiot, haha.

Zoro: Shut up, last one.

Sanji: Marimo.

The two started to argue, and Nami ignored them again and sat next to Luffy, who was now sleeping on the floor, magically healed of all wounds.

Usopp: Luffy, you were amazing when you took down Kaido.

Chopper: Ha, yeah, after Kaido said that Luffy was dead, Luffy came with a giant hand and pulled him up like a toy snake so they could continue playing.

Franky: I didn't see anything, but I saw as if lightning gathered in one area.

Jinbe: I didn't see anything, but the Haki of the two of them was reaching the bottom of the castle, it was amazing waves of Royal Haki.

Robin: I didn't. I saw nothing, unfortunately, but the sounds of battle above were reaching us below.

Brook: Yohohoho, I felt a strange feeling at that time, I felt like someone's soul had come back to life at that time, but I think I'm starting to get senile as I get older.

Sanji: When I finished my fight with that dinosaur, I felt Luffy's Haki coming down from below.

Zoro: Ha-ha-ha, as for me, I was at the top and I was a killer, and you were at the bottom, fourth one.

Sanji: Damn you, Marimo

The entire crew was now sitting for a small picnic on the deck of the ship and they stopped for a while to rest, Everyone was on a small island devoid of life, more precisely, a group of rocks that looked like an island . Sanji had prepared many nice drinks and sweets for them for the picnic.

Everyone was talking about their battles in Onigashima at the time, and now their focus was on Luffy's battle with Kaido.

Everyone kept talking about this fight and they were very excited about what they saw and did not see.

Nami: But I have a question, Luffy.

Luffy: What is it, Nami?

Nami: How did your hair turn white and your eyes became so red, and you were old, you were a different person then, when your head fell from that hole on us at that time, so much so that our eyes extended in front of us in horror.

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