iThink They Kissed (Requested)

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this imagine was requested by Biggirl568 on #RoadtripTalks! hope you enjoy!

ps: i decided to go off the exact plot of the episode, but it'll have the same principle, so i hope this doesn't bother you that much :)


Sam is panting when she pulls away from you, and even in the dark of the closet, you can see her blue eyes sparkling.

"You're adorable," you giggle, and you watch her blush.

"I am not," she says, giving you a glare, but the smile that breaks out on her face is a dead giveaway.


"Sam, we really need to get you to a dentist," Carly says, concern etched all over her features as you both watch Sam struggle to eat a cob of corn, wincing at every bite she takes.

"I am fine," Sam insists, even as tears brim in her eyes from the pain.

When she finally puts the corn down, having given up from the pain, the places she's bitten down on have her blood on them, making you have to look away so as to not gag in total disgust. A small part of you can't believe you kissed her last night. Granted, her tooth hadn't fallen out last night.

"Sam," you say softly, reaching out to touch her arm. "We need to take care of this."

She looks at you, her stubbornness faltering for a moment. "I don't want to go to the dentist. It's just a little pain."

"It's not just a little pain," Carly interjects gently. "Look at you, Sam. This isn't normal, and it's only going to get worse if you don't get it checked out. When was the last time you went to a dentist?"

Sam's eyes dart between the two of you, her defenses crumbling. "Two... twelve years."

"Twelve years?!" Carly exclaims, her eyes wide with shock. "Sam, that's not just a little overdue. That's... that's like, dental neglect!"

Sam huffs, crossing her arms over her chest. "It's not that big a deal. Dentists are expensive, and I hate them."

"Sam," you say, sighing. "We need to get you to a dentist. This'll only get worse."

Finally, she sighs, her shoulders slumping. "Fine. I'll go. But only because you guys won't stop bugging me about it."

You and Carly exchange relieved glances. "We'll go with you," you offer.

The next day, you and Carly manage to get Sam to the dentist. She fidgets nervously in the waiting room, trying to mask her anxiety with sarcastic remarks and eye rolls, but you can see right through her.

When her name is called, she hesitates, looking back at you both. You give her an encouraging nod, and Carly squeezes her hand. "We'll be right here," Carly assures her.

Sam takes a deep breath and follows the hygienist into the examination room. The wait feels interminable, but eventually, the door opens, and Sam emerges with a resigned look on her face.

"Well?" you ask, trying to read her expression.

Sam shrugs, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. "I need a some teeth taken out... and a root canal."

Carly's eyes widen. "That's serious, Sam!"

"I know," she says, her voice softer. You notice her resolve faltering slightly when she says, "I'll be fine, right?"


A day or two later, as you and Carly sit, nervously fidgeting, in the waiting room of the dentist's office, you can’t help but glance at the clock every few minutes. The minutes feel like hours as you wait for Sam to come out of her procedure.

Eventually, the dentist comes out, a reassuring smile on his face. “Everything went well. Sam is in recovery now. She’s a bit groggy from the nitrous oxide, but you can go see her.”

You and Carly exchange relieved glances and quickly follow the dentist to the recovery room. Sam is lying back in a chair, a slightly loopy expression on her face. She blinks slowly when she sees you, a goofy smile spreading across her face.

“Hey, guys,” she slurs, her voice thick with the lingering effects of the sedative. “C’mere, Carly.”

Carly steps forward, her concern palpable. “How are you feeling, Sam?”

Sam giggles, a sound so uncharacteristic of her that you and Carly exchange surprised looks. “I feel like I’m floating. Carly, I gotta tell you something.” She tries to sit up but wobbles, and you quickly move to support her.

“What is it, Sam?” Carly asks, her worry deepening.

Sam’s eyes drift to you, then back to Carly. “I kissed her,” she blurts out, sounding proud, pointing clumsily in your direction. “In the closet.”

Carly’s mouth falls open, her eyes widening in shock. “You what?” Her voice rises, a mix of surprise and anger. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

You step forward, trying to explain. “Carly, it wasn’t planned. It just… happened. We didn’t want to upset you.”

“Upset me?” Carly’s voice shakes. “You guys are my best friends. How could you keep this from me?”

Sam, still loopy, waves a hand dismissively. “It was nice. She’s a good kisser.”

Despite everything, you feel yourself blush.

Carly’s face flushes, a mix of emotions playing across her features. “Sam, you’re not even making sense. You’re high on laughing gas.”

Sam pouts, leaning back in the chair.

“Carly, I’m sorry. We should have told you. We didn’t mean to hurt you.”

Carly takes a deep breath, looking between you and Sam. “We’ll talk about this later. Right now, let’s just get Sam home.”

You nod, grateful that Carly is willing to set aside her feelings for now. You help Sam to her feet, supporting her as she wobbles. Carly takes her other side, and together, you guide Sam out of the dentist’s office.

As you walk, Sam leans her head on your shoulder, mumbling something incoherent. Carly catches your eye, and despite the tension, you see a flicker of understanding.

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