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you have your own apartment in this :o lol it's cuz you're 22. sam is still 17 here.
song: Cheerleader by OMI

You stood by the stove, phone resting on the countertop, supposedly making breakfast for you and Sam. However, your attention was hijacked by the TV show you had put on.

Suddenly, arms encircle you from behind, and you startle at Sam's approach.

"What're you doing?" she asks, her voice soft against your ear.

You chuckle, feeling her bury her head in the crook of your neck. "Making pancakes, baby," you reply, turning the stove back on and reaching for the bowl of batter.

"Doesn't seem like it," she mumbles, holding you tighter as you shift.

Setting the batter down, you turn in her arms, aiming for a quick peck on her lips, but she playfully dodges. You pout.

"Haven't brushed my teeth," she explains with a sleepy smile.

Rolling your eyes, you tease, "I don't care, come here."

Your hands find her waist, pulling her in for a deep kiss. She initially tries to pull away, but soon succumbs to the warmth. You tilt your head to deepen the kiss, unfazed by her breath's peculiar mix of RedBull, beer, and caffeine.

"Coffee?" you suggest as you break the kiss, turning back to the batter.

Sam hops onto the counter beside you, rubbing her eyes. "Maybe later," she says, settling in.

You nod, continuing with making the pancakes.

Sam watched from her perch on the counter, her eyes focused completely on you and your movements.

Sam watched from her perch on the counter, her eyes focused completely on you and your movements. Despite her initial grogginess, a small smile played on her lips as she observed the familiar, comforting routine. You whisked the batter with practiced ease, your brow furrowed slightly in concentration.

"You know," she said after a moment, her voice breaking the comfortable silence, "I love watching you cook."

You glanced up at her, a grin spreading across your face. "Oh yeah? Why's that?"

She shrugged, her smile widening. "I don't know. It's just... nice. Feels like home."

Your heart warmed at her words, and you leaned over to give her a quick kiss on the forehead before turning back to the stove. "Well, I'm glad I can make you feel at home," you said softly, pouring the batter into the hot pan.

As the pancakes sizzled, you stole glances at Sam, who was now swinging her legs slightly, her eyes half-closed as she enjoyed the moment. It was one of those simple, perfect mornings where everything felt right.

"So," she said after a while, her voice teasing, "are you planning to burn those pancakes, or can we actually eat them today?"

You laughed, flipping the pancake in the pan. "Don't worry, breakfast will be served in no time."

Minutes later, you were both sitting at your small kitchen table, plates piled high with golden pancakes. You poured syrup over yours, while Sam opted for a generous helping of whipped cream and strawberries.

"You always make the best pancakes," she said around a mouthful, her eyes sparkling with genuine appreciation.

"Only the best for you," you replied, feeling a rush of affection for the girl sitting across from you.

As you ate, the conversation flowed easily, punctuated by laughter and playful teasing.

Sweetheart (Sam Puckett Imagines) (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now