04.A Movie Date 🎥❤️

418 57 8

Hello makkaleyyy..❣️

Votes and comments mukiyam..🥺

6 o'clock marandhiten pa konjam Amnesia adhan..😅😅

Long chapter ahead as usual..🦋

3400 + words enjoy reading..😁

Sign language of Shivanya written in italics style..💜

Vaanga chapter kulla pollam..🚴🏼‍♀️🚴🏼‍♀️🚴🏼‍♀️


As they entered the penthouse, Shivanya's eyes widened in awe. The luxurious interior, with its sleek designs and stunning views, was a far cry from her humble home. Arjun smiled, pleased to see her impressed.

"Welcome to our home, Jaan," Arjun said, his eyes shining with pride. "Make yourself comfortable."

Shivanya nodded, her gaze roaming the room.  He led her to the living room, where the puppies eagerly explored their new surroundings.

Arjun handed Shivanya a cup of hot chocolate, and they sat together on the couch, watching the puppies playing in excitement..

"Jaan, I want to share something with you," Arjun said, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "My passion, my dream..."

Shivanya leaned in, her eyes encouraging.

"Boxing," Arjun said, his fists clenched and his eyes lit up as he began to share his passion for boxing.

Arjun : "Jaan, I've always been fascinated by the thrill of the ring, the rush of adrenaline when I'm facing my opponent. There's something about the mental and physical challenge that drives me to push myself to be the best."

Shivanya listened intently, her eyes
sparkling with interest.

Arjun : "It's not just about throwing
punches, Jaan. It's about strategy, discipline, and resilience. And I'm determined to be the best, not just in the ring, but in business too."

He shared his dream of becoming a top businessman, using his talent and hard work to build a successful empire. "I want to make a name for myself, prove to everyone that I'm more than just a boxer or a rich kid. I want to be a leader, a game-changer."

Shivanya's face glowed with admiration. She pointed to herself, then to Arjun, and made a gesture of support.

Arjun's heart swelled with gratitude.

Arjun: "Thanks, Jaan," Arjun said, his heart swelling. "Your belief in me means everything.”And I promise, I'll make you proud, in the ring and in business.

As they sipped their hot chocolate, Arjun shared his vision, his hands weaving in and out, demonstrating his boxing technique. Shivanya listened intently, her face reflecting her understanding.

"You're amazing, Arjun," she wrote on her notepad, her handwriting elegant. "You'll achieve great things."

Arjun beamed, feeling a deep connection with Shivanya. Their communication transcended words, their bond growing stronger.

As the evening wore on, they took the puppies for a walk on the rooftop terrace, the city lights twinkling below. Arjun pointed out landmarks, his arm around Shivanya's shoulders.

As they continued their walk, the puppies frolicking around them, Arjun felt a sense of purpose, knowing that Shivanya believed in him. He was determined to make his dreams a reality, and with her by his side, he felt unstoppable.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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