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Hello makkaleyyy..❣️

Votes and comments mukiyam..🥺

Vaanga prologue kulla pollam..🚴🏼‍♀️🚴🏼‍♀️


Arjun takes Shivanya to his lavish birthday party, the atmosphere is joyful and lively. Friends and family gather around as the time comes for the cake cutting ceremony. Arjun's father, a stern businessman, stands up to make an announcement that takes everyone by surprise..

In a dramatic twist, he declares that Arjun is to be engaged to Amrita, the daughter of their business partner. Shocked and confused, Arjun's eyes searched the room until they meet with Shivanya's..

Feeling a rush of emotion, he knows in that moment that his heart belongs to her..Ignoring his father's plans, he picks up a piece of cake and feeds his mother first, as tradition dictates. His mother then gestures for him to feed his father next to him..

Instead of following his mother's convention, Arjun walks over to Shivanya with determination in his eyes..He offers her the piece of cake, but she hesitates, apprehensive about the implications of their growing connection..

Unfazed by her initial refusal, Arjun gently insists and feeds her the cake..

In a tender gesture of reciprocity, she feeds him back - a silent acknowledgement of their unspoken bond..

Filled with courage and love for Shivanya, Arjun leans towards her  and kisses her softly in front of the astonished guests..The room falls silent as they share this intimate moment amidst the glittering lights and birthday celebrations..

As they draw back from each other's embrace, they realize that this kiss marks not only a defiance against societal norms but also the beginning of a new chapter in their lives - one where love triumphs over expectations and brings them closer together than ever before..

In a whirlwind of emotions, Arjun faced the wrath of his parents for introducing Shivanya, a middle-class and mute girl, as his girlfriend at the party. The disapproving glares and scolding from his mother and father left him feeling suffocated and misunderstood..

As soon as the last guest left, Arjun faced his parents wrath..

Lakshmi: “What is this Arjun..? Is this how you insult us before everyone in the party..? Who is she..?

Arjun: “I already told you ma she is my girlfriend..I brought her here because of dad who has planned to announce that me and Amrita are going to marry..? I don't even know who she is..How can I even marry her ma..? I love her and I will marry Shivanya, at any cost..”

Prakash: “This is why I was worried about your life Arjun..See you have brought a girl and you’re saying that your gonna marry her..? What are you thinking Arjun..? Then who are we..? When you yourself have brought your girlfriend..?”

Arj: “Appa I myself know how to take care of my life pa..You don't need to care about my life when I'm going to live rest of my life happily with her..”

The storm inside Arjun's penthouse matched the torrential rain outside.. In a fit of rebellion and determination to stand by Shivanya, Arjun took her hand and left without a word, seeking solace in the sanctuary of his forest penthouse..

Their clothes clinging to their drenched bodies, Arjun's eyes bore into Shivanya's soul, filled with a myriad of unspoken emotions. Despite his earlier confession of love, it was Shivanya who hesitated, her insecurities holding her back.

But in a moment of raw vulnerability and longing, Shivanya found her voice through a tender kiss that spoke volumes..Arjun's response was immediate and passionate, sealing their connection with unspoken promises and words..

Carried away by the intensity of their love and desire, Arjun lifted Shivanya in his arms and carried her into his room. As their clothes fell to the floor like petals shedding in the rain-soaked forest, their bodies intertwined in a dance of passion and love, each touch an expression of their deepest feelings for eachother..

In that intimate moment within the walls of Arjun's penthouse, amidst the symphony of raindrops on windows and thunder rumbling in the distance, they shared not just physical intimacy but a connection that transcended words—a purest form of love that knew no boundaries or judgments..

How was it..?

Will his parents accept their love..?

What are the storms waiting for them in their life..?


Okay meet you in the first chapter..


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