02.My 7 Years Love 💓

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Hello makkaleyyy..❣️

Votes and comments mukiyam..🥺

Vaanga chapter kulla pollam..🚴🏼‍♀️🚴🏼‍♀️🚴🏼‍♀️


Dhruv stumbled into Loyola University, his head pounding from the night of revelry and debauchery. As he made his way through the corridors, his eyes fell upon his friends Karthik and Arun with bloodied and bruised… Dhruv stormed towards his friends as his footsteps were heavy and expressions were darkened…

Dhruv: "Damn it, Karthik, what happened to you guys? Who did this?"

Karthik: *groans in pain* "Arjun...

Arjun Kumar did this..."

His heart clenched with rage as he discovered they had been at the receiving end of Arjun wrath…

Dhruv: “Why did he beat you?”

Karthik: “We don't know da...we were just speaking with a girl and suddenly he started beating us..”

Arun: *wincing* "He... He's crazy... You have to... teach him a lesson, Dhruv."

Dhruv's fists clenched as anger simmered within him. Determined, he set out to find Arjun, his heart pounding with vengeance..

Dhruv hates Arjun, who was the famous boy in the college and every girl grovelled over him…he just hated it…!! He wants to destroy him to the core…he wants to snatch everything which Arjun owns whether it's a thing or a person…he will snatch it away by hook or crook…!!!

With a clenched jaw and fists like iron, Dhruv stormed towards where Arjun was known to linger. His mind filled with thoughts of vengeance, thoughts of retribution. But fate had a different plan for him that day, a plan wrapped in the form of innocence…

As Shivanya crossed his path, her gentle presence weaving a spell around him, Dhruv's gaze softened. Helping her up as her books scattered, he couldn't help but admire her resilience..

Shivanya: *gasps in surprise*

Dhruv: "Are you okay?" His voice was surprisingly gentle… he helped Shivanya to stand…

Shivanya simply nodded, a small smile playing on her lips before she hastily retreated. Dhruv was looking at her with lust full eyes….

Karthik: “Dei macha…because of this girl…Arjun had beaten us da..”

Dhruv: “huh?”

Arun: “Yeah, looks like she is Arjun's girlfriend da..”

Dhruv smirked evilly, with eyes gleaming with desire and lust, whispered to himself, "She will be mine."

Meanwhile, in another part of the campus, Amrita, the rich, spoiled princess, plotted her next move..Her eyes set on Arjun Kumar, not for love, but for his money and status..Her scheming mind is already crafting a plan to ensnare him in her web of greed..

Divya: “Enna di yosikira..”

Amrita: “Arjun ah adaiya dhan..”

Riya: “Heyy I saw him with that new girl who joined our college today..”

Amrita: “What with that girl who is mute..?”

Divya: “Do something before he might fall in love with that mute b****..”

Amrita: “I’ll never let him fall for that girl after all he’s all mine..”

She clenched her fist in anger moving towards their classroom but gritted her teeth when she saw them..

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