chapter #8💗

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Wen chao,"father ...I won't allow Wei wuxian to marry this ice block, I won't allow him to marry this bastard to destroy Wei wuxian life.....He is mine....I will only marry him.

Wen chao looked at his sister wen  qing.Wen qing give a reassuring smile to him.

Lan wangji was gripping tightly.

Lan qiren,"mind your words.wen chao......

But Jin zixun stood up from the place,"this time I will agree wen chao. marrying ice block only allow him to copy rules.....we won't agree.but wen chao you must take back your last also don't deserve him.....I will marry him.

"In your dreams....."

It was none other than Jiang cheng.

Jiang cheng give a death glare to wen chao,Jin zixun and lan wangji like they do a big mistake.

Xue yang stood up from his place.xue yang," It doesn't matter what you do.He is only mine....

Lan wangji opened his mouth now," Wei ying is mine.If your eye falls on his body, I will tear out the eye....

Lan wangji was surrounded by a dark aura though his face doesn't show any emotions.lan wangji wanted to tell the world that Wei wuxian is his lawfully wedded omega and marked omega.But he couldn't say that loudly because,he couldn't be heartless and selfish.He can't pretend he doesn't see his brother's love, he can't .But he wanted protect his omega from this alphas.

Lan qiren,lan xichen,lan yi and lan xingchen stunned there places.They doesn't know this side of wangji.He never spoke against anyone in his life. There was no quarrel about any thing belongs to him.

Lan wangji, wen chao, jin zixun, xue yang and Jiang Cheng were standing and give death glares each other.

Wen chao,"You have a tongue to speak.I always thought you were idiot....

Jin zixun," I don't believe....lan wangji interested in some thing other than books and rules.....

Lan wangji,"that none of your business, jin zixun.

Others are stunned to speak. Infront of sect leaders of different sects ,there future heirs are fighting and arguing for a omega? unbelievable.

Madam yu angered and sparkled her zidian.

Madam yu roared,"stop the nonsense. don't forget you all are future of the all are fighting and arguing for an omega????What makes him so special?What's so special about him ,just for him you all are rebelling against your parents decisions? Is it right??

Lan qiren joined her,"what's so special about him??why you all are arguing and quaralling for him??

Lan wangji, wen chao, jin zixun, xue yang and Jiang Cheng looked downwards.But nobody says anything.

Madam yu,"bring that omega.....I want to know what is so special about him. bring him immediately.....

Guards started to go outside to call Wei wuxian.

Jiang Cheng,"mom.... don't try to hurt him.....

Madam yu sparkles her zidian one's more.

Madam yu,"If you speak a single word, zidian should fall on your body....

Others are also shocked on seeing this unfamiliar events.They all are curious to see that omega, the alphas fighting for to own.

Wei wuxian comes in the lan hall with a surprising face.He already changed his robes in a beautiful purple robe and a beautiful purple stoned hair pin was in his head.

Mr Lan wangji and Mrs Lan wangjiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora