chapter #11💓

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Wei wuxian and lan wangji landed on a hill top.There was a stone bench.wangji and wuxian sit there.

Wei wuxian,"lan zhan. ... love you....

Wei wuxian was kissing all over wangji's face.

Wei wuxian,"my handsome husband....

Lan wangji captured Wei wuxian hands which was roaming all over wangji's body with his single hand.

With other hand lan wangji touched on his forehead for checking Wei wuxian is feverish. Because he feels a strange things in Wei wuxian.

Wei wuxian,"lan zhan....what??

Lan wangji,"Wei ying are you okay?are you having fever??

Wei wuxian blinked his eyes cutely.
Wei wuxian,"no..

Lan wangji smelled Wei wuxian's nape and inhaled his jasmine scent.
Wei wuxian ,"lan zhan .. it's tickling...aah...

Lan wangji,"another scent?
Lan wangji questionly looks at Wei wuxian.lan wangji once more inhaled the scent.

Lan wangji,"musky alpha scent.

Lan wangji think for a minute.lan wangji's eyes widened.This time he noticed the scent change of Wei wuxian.

Lan wangji,"How many days has it been since our wedding?

Wei wuxian,"may be above three months.

Lan wangji,"three months 24 days...

Wei wuxian,"if you know why did you ask me??

Lan wangji,"Wei ying is pregnant.

Wei wuxian who was about to start blabbering and quaralling stoped in his tracks.

Wei wuxian,"Wei ying is pregnant???me???

Lan wangji,"mm.

Wei wuxian smelled himself.But he doesn't feel any other scent.but his eyes are glowing.He touched his belly.

Wei wuxian,"really lan zhan???

Lan wangji touched on Wei wuxian's belly.He doesn't feel anything,but he a warmth there.

Lan wangji,"mm.

Wei wuxian,"but i doesn't felt nauesa.

Lan wangji,"We are going to see the doctor tomorrow ...

Wei wuxian," if I am pregnant now....what will we do next?

Lan wangji," I don't know...

Wei wuxian,"we can elope from here and live somewhere else....

Lan wangji doesn't reply.
But Wei wuxian continued his chating and eventually fell asleep on his lap.

Lan wangji was patting his hair and affectionately looks at Wei wuxian.

Suddenly a sword pointed at his neck.The sword is non other than Shuoyue, lan xichen's sword.

Lan wangji raised his head at lan xichen.
Lan wangji,"dage....

Lan xichen,"wangji...I want explanation.....

He speaks slowly ,then he looks at Wei wuxian who was sleeping peacefully in wangji's lap.
Lan xichen put back his sword.

He lit up a talisman from his pocket towards Wei wuxian.

Lan wangji,"dage.... don't.    ..

Lan wangji was about to stop,but xichen already applied talisman on wuxian.

Lan wangji,"Wei ying..... Wei Ying...

Lan wangji tired to call Wei wuxian,but he doesn't wake up.

Lan xichen lips turns in to a smirk and said,"wangji..... don't need to was just a talisman for making unconscious.He will wake up after 2 hours...

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