Believe in the law of universe!!

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Universe hears everything what your subconsious mind thinks repeatdely whether its positive or negative vibtrations. No matter where you are right now, it is due to your thought process. Have you ever experienced when you are in a happy and calm state everything arounds you seem so calmer and when you are having a feeling of distress everything around you feels so irritating.So lets take this in field of your career if you think you are capable of certain things then Yes you are and if you are holding any kind of doubt then there is a lot of possibilities you won't achieve that honour in your life.

Universe works in a very amazing way. It will give you everything u deserved the only thing you have to do is never lose hope and believe on the unseen things let's assume that there is some higher powers who are taking care of all our needs what we want and when is the right time to give it in our hands .

If you are honest towards your goals if you are really making that one thing on the top of your priority list trust me it's yours just have patience it will surely comes to you.

How you will get to know whether you are honest with your dream or not.
Let me tell you some tips and do practice it.
Let's assume you are pursuing some degree or applying for some exams. You want that degree to be yours or certain post in some company or government organisation.

1. Sit in silence or if possible sit in presence of nature.
2.Calm your mind and improve your body posture close your eyes.
3.Just focus on your breathing at least 10 minutes.
4.Now slowly put your hand on your chest and ask yourself warmly 'Do I really deserve this post?' Have I studied enough to be there?
Among lakhs of people are you really capable of that one seat and trust me you will get your answer

If your answer is YES IM DESERVING
then congrats it is definitely on its way towards you. Have a little more patience
And if your answer is NO. Then make yourself deserving of. Make sure u leave no stone unturned to make yourself deserving of your dream life.

Universe is always with you it listens your vibrations, your feelings, your thoughts. If you believe that you can make things work for you u will definitely make that possible no matter how much obstacles comes in your way. But if you have any tiny of doubt on yourself, on your efforts then u won't get it no matter how much you want for it. So on the very first just trust in yourself, trust in your abilities. You should know yourself from inside whatever you are capable of and trust me you are capable of everything .

So, next time if you hold any kind of doubt regarding to your abilities remove it with positive affirmations,now you'll think what is an 'Affirmation' well in the next part we will be discussing it and also I'll give you some of my most favourite ...

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So, next time if you hold any kind of doubt regarding to your abilities remove it with positive affirmations,now you'll think what is an 'Affirmation' well in the next part we will be discussing it and also I'll give you some of my most favourite affirmation maybe that will work for you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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