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Inkling leaned back in his hover chair, allowing the sun to warm him through the windows in the Octopod's HQ. He winced in a small bit of pain as he did so; the ridge of a scar where he was struck by the monstrous Slamigev robots a few days ago still stung a bit, as did all of the other injuries.

Oh, those repulsive robots, he thought to himself, suddenly remembering the battle that they had with them.

Coming to think of it, although it was a downright dangerous and perilous fight, it was also pretty fun - putting their newfound magical abilities into practice, particularly for Inkling himself, as he wasn't really one for fighting with dastardly villains - he felt young, wild, and free again.

Also, the reunion between Ainsley, Beverley and the residents of Cromerth Seamount had lasted almost four hours and ended with everyone there crying, including a few of the Octonauts.

However, none of it mattered in the slightest. Both Ainsley and Beverley were thrilled to finally be able to meet Ainsley's son, Squirt, after having practically not seen him since he was born. They were also amazed to hear all about the Octonauts' adventures over the years, and Inkling could tell that they were very proud of him. They were now meeting regularly for cups of tea and chats about how their lives were going, what they were up to, etc.

It had been very awkward for all of them, but there was plenty of time, as well as plenty to catch up on. Ainsley and Beverley were going to be around a lot more now.

"Professor?" a voice pulled him off that train of thought and back to the present.

He blinked, and noticed Barnacles standing at the top of the ladder, his head tilted curiously.

"Hello, Professor," The Captain greeted him, as friendly and as casual as ever. "Did you just wake up from one of your naps?"

"Uh, no, no I didn't have a nap, actually," he replied truthfully. "I was actually just thinking about everything in Aeseganora."

"Oh, OK," Barnacles replied, before seeing a hint of sadness on the octopus' face of trapping the Slaves into another world. "That adventure was amazing, you know? We saved ourselves, we saved the people of Ocalihalla, and we restored the Oca-Tree. Without us, Brone and his group of Upper Class Slaves probably would've destroyed the treasures of the Tree, or worse, they'd have journeyed into another world or Earth and drained the life out of it."

"I still don't know how I managed to trap them into another world," Inkling sighed. "I mean, I never even thought that we were all related to a magical group of heroes."

"Neither did we." Barnacles agreed with him, sitting himself on one of the chairs at one of the computers.

"Do you think the Heroes of Aeseganora were like us?" He asked Barnacles. It certainly made sense.

"I mean, it wouldn't surprise me," Barnacles answered, his paw holding his head up on the computer. "They explored, rescued and protected everything in Aeseganora, just like how we explore, rescue and protect everything in the world's lands and oceans."

"Yeah," Inkling replied.

Just then, Tweak appeared at the top of the lift in the centre of the HQ, looking as if something urgent had just come up.

"Howdy!" she said cheerfully. "The Vegimals have just finished making Ocalihallan ice cream - do y'all want to join us in having some?"

"Of course, Tweak!" Barnacles said, getting up from the chair and following Tweak down the lift, with Inkling following from just behind.

As soon as they arrived at the kitchen, they saw Tunip holding a serving tray of eight ice cream cones, all of which were rapidly turning into liquid, at arm's length.

"Hurry up, mateys, they're gonna melt into nothing!" Kwazii yelled out as he ran past the lot of them and took his banana-flavoured cone.

"Not if I can help it!" Barnacles said with a tone of determination and playfulness, as he used his freezing powers to make the cones not so drippy.

And once everyone snatched for them, they all sat in the coolness of the dining area next to the kitchen, tucking into their favourite ice cream flavours - chocolate, banana, peppermint, watermelon, sauerkraut, strawberry and carrot - which Bailey from the ice cream parlour in Ocalihalla had recommended that the Vegimals make.

Although no one said much, the peace and happiness was palpable in the dining area as they all chilled out. They were all grateful to still be alive after the exciting and somewhat treacherous adventure in Aesgeanora, one of many magical worlds within Earth, and one that was very lucky to have a crew like the Octonauts.



Here's a question for all of you, given how this chapter discusses ice cream: 

What is your favourite flavour(s) of ice cream? 

For me, my favourite flavours have to be vanilla, chocolate and cookies & cream. 


Oh my goodness me.

The first part - the beginning of the journey - is actually finished.

After at least four years of writer's block (and A LOT of procrastination), I am pleased to announce that the first part of this series is finally and officially complete.

First of all, I just want to apologise profusely to everyone for taking four years to finally kickstart this trilogy - I just couldn't really figure out how to get this first part to not suck, and I actually almost considered giving up even trying. However, I decided not to, and I can wholeheartedly say that that is the best decision I have ever made - not for myself, but for all of you - to give all of you a time of happiness in what is sometimes a very exhausting world to live in.

Well, here are my thanks!

I owe a thousand thanks and more to two people by the names of Vicki and Michael (aka Meomi), the original creators of the Octonauts. I will be eternally grateful to them both for their wonderful stories of this adorable little gang of heroes, for without them, my story (and many others' stories) would not exist.

To the talented people behind the music I have listened to A LOT whilst writing this - namely Two Steps From Hell, C418, Stafford Bawler and Todd Baker - I don't know where I would be without your inspirational tunes to guide me on this path, and for that, I thank all of you.

I would also like to give my thanks to two of my most favourite video games ever, Monument Valley and Monument Valley 2 (the gorgeous music from both games is by the aforementioned Stafford Bawler and Todd Baker) for always providing a place of calm and quiet during times of stress arising from writer's block.

Lastly, and most of all, to everyone who has read this story - I would like to express my appreciation to all of you for sticking around and taking time out of your day to read this story; again, I'm really sorry for taking all that time to fathom how to make it at least decent (which I really hope that it is!) - hopefully I won't take that amount of time to release the next part of the series!

Speaking of which, onto Parts 2 and 3...

While I don't intend on giving too much away on Parts 2 and 3, and although I currently do not have much planned for both of them, one thing I will say is that, as you have probably guessed, they will both have a focus on the Octonauts and the Octo-Agents travelling into Aeseganora together to take down what or who is behind the magical energy crisis once and for all. I'd better make you all aware that it's going to be a real doozy, so I highly recommend that you get ready for the ride ahead.

Let's do this!

The Heroes of Aeseganora: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now