Chapter 4, Payback

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Warning: kidnapping of characters.

Carson's POV

I was so angry about my call  with Caleb, he has snatched one of my biggest clients. I just wish I knew how he knew they were about ready to renew our contract. I decided  to text Hailey to see if she'll be honest with me.

Carson: Hailey, I know we have been distance. But I need to ask you something.

Hailey: Sure please go ahead.

Carson: I lost the Brown Technology
Industries account. Which i've had for years. What do you know about it?

Hailey: It's nothing personal… Andrew was looking for a firm that could take care of both offices. The only firm that can take of both locations was Uncle Caleb. It was a business decision.  I referred him to Uncle Caleb, because i felt it was good to keep the company in family. Please don't personalized this.

Carson: Thank you. I just wish they had let me handle the Dallas branch.

I close out the text app, when Anna enters in with Jax. I nod, she leaves allowing me to have privacy with Jax. He furrows his brow,

“What's going on, Carson?” Jax asks with concern, I shake my head.

“Do you know about Brown Technology Industries? “  Jax nofd his head,

“Yes, aren't they one of your biggest  clients?” I shake my head,

“They were ready for review our contract. But decided  to go with Caleb instead.” I hiss with venom,  Jax picks up a pool que,

“Let's play a game, Carson, you calm down when you play.” I agree with him, I was angry. About my phone call and text. Jax sets up  the balls, I take the breaking of the balls, I make three balls into the pockets.. Yes, I was feeling angry, this game for some reason calms my nerves.

“Jax, i'm beginning  to wonder if Karma is coming to get me.” I state, as I take another shot. it's hard to swallow  that Caleb gets this account . I wouldn't care if it's someone else got it, but for Hailey to help him really hurts.”

“Don't worry, Carson. The plan that Courtney is in works.” I finally smile,

“I don't care what happens, as long as it gets Hailey away from Matt. i'n even for Hailey coming home with her tail between her legs. She will be welcome back.” Jax hits a few balls into the pockets,

“I had no idea you dislike Matt so much. What if Hailey comes back still pregnant?” I chuckle at his question,

“I will strongly encourage her to abort, or if she won't… I will have Anna take the baby to Matt to raise. Even will have her sign her rights away. There will be no reason for her to have any contact with Matt.” It was a rough couple of rounds, but I got my anger out.

Hailey's POV

I look at my texts, I guess I surprise myself that I was so calm at texting my father. But I wanted to be honest, I didn't care how he took it. Matt wraps his arms around me  from behind. He caresses my swollen  baby bump.

“Baby, have you felt the baby yet?” I smile sweetly,

“Feels like my stomach. Too early for you to feel. In time.” Matt smiles at this,

“What's going on in that pretty head of yours?” I  lightly chuckle,.

“i'm worried what my father was thinking and feeling. He now knows that Uncle Caleb is handling the legal issues. If he's angry, and teams up with Courtney… We'll have a fight on our hands.” Matt seems to think, then he pulls out his phone dialing a number he has on speaker.

“Hello Matt, what's up?” Uncle Caleb speaks sternly, Matt clears his throat,

“Caleb sir, I have an idea. I need your legal advice. This is personal. With the rules Andrew laid down, the restraining order etc… I would want the baby, but that means dealing with her. Here's what i'm thinking. Terminate my rights or can I pay child support, not seeing the child unless the child wants to?” There was silence, then Caleb speaks up.

“Matt, because you have no memory of that night, despite the DNA results. Right now you can decline custody involvement. Then after the birth, you can terminate if you decide. When you sign decline custody, there's no child support. She can file for full custody then. I can draw up the papers and have it to her by the afternoon.” Matt glances at me for reassurance, which I give him.

“Please do it. That will less stress for Hailey and i.” I hear Uncle Caleb sigh,

“i'll have a runner bring the documents to sign in the morning.” They talk for a few minutes before hanging up, We head home, after discussing what movie we desire to see the next evening for a gate.

Around ten in the morning a runner from Uncle Caleb's law office, walks up to me. He requests to see Matt, knowing that Matt wasn't in a meeting I walk the lad to his office. Matt greets both of us warmly, the lad nervously speaks up.

“Mr. Brown, i'm from Caleb Morgan's office, to have you sign some documents.”

Matt nods with a smile, as he takes the documents from the lad. He reads over it carefully, then quickly signs it. With a smile, he hands it back to the lad.

“Thank you. Please tell Mr. Morgan that I appreciate this especially if he files it quickly.” The lad smiles,

“He is waiting for me at the courthouse for me.” With that I escort him to the outer office area, then I text Uncle Caleb.

Hailey: Your runner just left and is on his way to you.

Caleb: Great…. Did Matt have any questions?
Hailey: if you can stop by after you serve Courtney, if he has any he can ask then.
I close the text app, as Matt walks up beside me.

“Thanks for understanding why I needed to do this.” I smile at him, kissing him on the cheek.

“After he serves her the papers to Courtney, he'll come here to answer any questions you may have.” Matt nods, guides me back to my desk indicating  time to go back to work. *****
Caleb's POV

I wait on the second floor of the courthouse, for my runner. Around 10:30am Stan shows up with the documents I sent over to Matt. After Stan leaves, I head into Judge Walters office. I go things with him to get it signed snd filed. This took over an hour. It was 11:25am when I reached Brown Technology Industries. I walk to the elevators, taking it to the 7th floor. I head to the PR  dept. I walk into Courtney's office, receiving  a scowl from Courtney.

“Mr. Morgan, how may I help you?” Courtney asks in a tone that was cold, but polite.

“I have a documents for you.” I hand her the document, she reads through it.

“Any questions?” I sat, as Courtney looks like she was going to cry.

“Why is Hailey doing this?” I had to laugh,

“Hailey is aware of this. This is all Matt.

There's no reason for you to have contact with him now. Follow the rules, the restraining order and you will be fine.” I see the tears, they are angry ones.

“I love Matt. We should be together.” I shake my head, 

“it’s doesn't look like that is going to happen. You drove him to this. Matt called me last night. He wants to break all contact with you. Still even if it means walking away from the baby. “ Courtney  glances up at me rage in her  eyes,

“Please go away. No matter what you say, I know Hailey is behind this. I find it hard to believe that he thought about this without her input.” I cross my arms, with an annoyed expression.

“I'm only here to legally express Matt Brown's wishes. i'm his attorney, as well as this company. So their wishes are a priority of mine.” I turn to leave, hearing  her cry out.

“Matt will end up regretting this!” I chuckle as I head  towards the elevator.  I quietly ride it to the top floor. There i'm greeted by Hailey,

“Hello Uncle Caleb. it's good to see you. I heard from father, he's not too happy that your firm is our legal team.” I shake my head, with a smirk.

“Courtney has been served, she's not happy. What did your father say?” I ask with interest, Hailey sighs.

“He wanted to know how you became aware of his contract was ending. I was honest to him, by referring Andrew and Matt towards you. Stating it was a business decision, nothing personal.” I had to smile, I was so proud of Hailey.

“Good job. This wasn't a vicious ploy, it's business.  Though I do get a secret delight to up him one. This doesn't happen very often. Is Matt available?” I smile at him, as I motion him to follow.

“Come, we are getting ready  for lunch.”  Uncle Caleb follows behind me whistling softly, I lead  him into Matt's office. Matt greeted us warmly,  he shakes Caleb's hand.

“It's good to see you. How did things go?”  I sit down, concern comes over Matt's face.

“Getting it filed was easy for me. But when I served it to Courtney. She was very angry. Talks about being in love and wanting to be with you. Or that you’ll regret it”  Matt shakes his head,

“The child may grow up to hate me, but dealing with Courtney. That’s too much.”  I couldn’t agree more,

“Don’t answer her calls. Keep any contact due to business only. Or let Andrew deal with her department.” Matt seems to express relief,

“That’s good. If I could totally forget her, I would.” We enjoy our lunch. The afternoon seems to fly by.

We left after work to go see the new movie Twisters. It was real good, and  we need to head to dinner. Though it was dark, we were going to walk to restaurant a couple of blocks away. We had parked there to save gas and have after we eat.

We were walking past an alley way that we have past many times before. We were deep in conversation, unaware of a shadow of figures coming up behind us. Three of  grab   Matt, and two grab me.

There was a hand over my mouth, as four of them beat on Matt. When he was down, they injected him with something. After he passed out, whoever was holding me, tightens his grip around me. I feel a sting in my neck. Next before I knew, darkness over takes me.

Courtney ‘s POV

I hear my burner phone starts ringing, I answer quickly.

“Hello.” I answer quickly,

“My Dear Courtney, we have your guests in two separate rooms with  a window between them.”

I smile though the male voice couldn’t see it.
“That’s good. Where are they? At the location that was discussed?” I ask directly,

“ Yes, they are.”  Again I’m smiling,

“I’m on my way. Please give the man another injection .”

I run to my car, heading towards the location. It’s going to be fun watching  Matt look at Hailey with distain. This has really made my day, I'm actually very excited to see them.

When i arrive at the building, I was greeted by the leader Finn.

"Come., I'll take you to see them. Who would you like to see first? We did give him another injection."

We walk deep into the building, there was two doors. Finn opens the door. There lays Hailey with her hands tied above her head to the beds headboard . I smile with satisfaction. We Head over to the next room. Where Matt was tied up, semi conscious. That's when the fun will start. I turn to Finn,

"Grab the others and go to the other room." Finn smiles,

"What are your further orders?" I smile back at him,

"Do as you please. Be rough mostly." Finn looks at me confused,

"The lady seems to be pregnant?" I sneer back at him,

"Soo? It would be better if she ends up losing it. Have fun." Finn smiles back at me,

"Thanks. I'll go get them." He leaves, as I start the process of getting my husband Matt to wake up.

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