chap. 8

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"What's a pretty thing like you doin' here?"

I decided to visit Kats's class because it was my free period. I had no ideas for any builds, so I thought going to his class would fix that. Yep, that's totally the reason. As I stepped inside, I was greeted by a guy who had blonde hair with an electric bolt on the side. I've met him before when I first came into this classroom. I raised my eyebrows at the nickname he gave me. It caught me off guard.

" um...chill." I scoped the classroom for my explosive blonde who, unfortunately, was not here. "Where's Ka- Bakugou?" I turned to look back at the guy who was glancing at my lips but snapped his eyes back to mine. "Why would you want that loud, obnoxious blonde when you got me?" He pointed at himself with both thumbs. I awkwardly giggled and started to walk back to the door, until I was stopped by another voice.

"Denki stop tryna hit on every girl you see." A basic-looking guy with...interesting elbows...came out of nowhere to stop the embarrassment the electric blonde was spewing. "Hey, I'm Sero. You're Kanamori, right?" My eyebrows pinch while looking at him. How'd he know my name? "Oh, Bakugou talks about you a lot." I blinked a few times before contemplating what he said. Kats talks about me?! My eyes widened before quickly settling down. "...Okay, well, nice to meet you Sero." I bowed before trying to make an exit.

"Why does Bakugou talk about you so much?" He stepped in front of me, blocking my view of freedom. "We hang out sometimes. I guess that's why." I tried to walk past him, but he moved to be in my way again. "Are y'all like together or what?" He crossed his arms in front of his chest, almost like he was gonna stand there for a while. "Uh, no." I leaned back onto a desk getting comfortable.

"Does that mean I have a chance with your gorgeous self?" He moved his hand to push a braid strand out of my face. I knew it was a bad idea to wear my hair down. He kept his hand there after that. It was warm and soft. I definitely looked uncomfortable because I put on my 'disinterested' face which basically looks like the definition of disgust. Before I could make a mildly rude comment, I heard the voice of my savior.

"Yo, Tapeface! What are ya doin'?" My knight in shining armor has arrived. I glared at him with an 'I need help' stare. He looked at me with confusion before glaring at Tapeface...Sero.

"Oh, nothin'. Just talking to Vi."

That ticked Kats off a little bit, it was hard to tell but his eye started to twitch. I'm not the only one who noticed though.

"Does that bother you? Me calling your little girlfriend her nickname?" He snickered.

"She's not my girlfriend!"

"You sure?"

Bakugou went around Sero to grab my arm and dragged me out of the classroom. He pulled me until we were on the roof. He kept holding my arm, slightly squeezing it more. It started to hurt.


The audacity.

What does he get off, making fun of me in front of her? How does he even know her? I don't mention her around those losers.

"Kat, you're hurting me."

I looked down to where I was holding her. I was squeezing her arm so hard that it was shaking. I immediately let go and she cradled her arm with a worried look on her face. I let out a little 'sorry' staring at where I hurt her. What is wrong with me? "Are you alright?" She sounded sincere.

"Not really," I turned my head to watch the view from the roof. "I don't know why," I muttered

"That guy came outta nowhere," She walked over to be next to me. "I was trying to look for you." I felt her stare at the side of my face, but I couldn't look back. I didn't want to see the pain in her eyes.

"Don't you have class?"

"Nah, it's my free period."

"Well, I don't get any of those," I mumbled before heading to the door. "Wait where are ya going?" I heard her call from behind me. "Back to class," I yelled over my shoulder. I tried to make my way out again, but she stopped me before I could take another step. I felt her warm hand on my upper back. It was comforting, like some type of relief.

"You can skip so that you can calm down a little bit." That made me snap. I don't know what came over me. I was sick of her coddling.

"I'm so tired of you! You're always holding me back from my greatest potential. Ever since I started talking to you I've become worse and worse in all of my training. I haven't been paying attention in class, I've been dozing off, and even worse I've been falling behind all of those extras. Oh, don't even get me started on how I feel so fucking weird around you." I took a second to look at her. She was shocked and devastated. I could tell she was trying to blink back tears. I calmed myself down a bit before continuing to speak.

"I think we should stop hanging out."

"Kats wait-"

"Stop. You're only making me weak."

I heard her let out a little gasp before backing away from me. I turned back towards the door and made my way toward my class.

That was for the best, right?


I was up all night thinking about what Bakugou said.

After he was done yelling at me, for some reason, I stood on the roof speechless. I touched some tears that made their way down my face, wondering when they got there. My mind first went to why he dragged me to the roof. Was it just to yell at me? Or to get me away from Sero? Then it went to what he was yelling about. He said I made him feel weird. I know for a fact that he can't handle his feelings well. Or at least that he doesn't know what he's feeling. Could it be love? Nope, that's what my delusions are telling me.

Then he said that he's been losing focus. "It could be that he is thinking of me," I muttered to myself. The reason I'm trying to come up with an explanation for Kats outburst is because of the timing. He got mad at Sero for calling me his girlfriend to the point he hurt me out of anger, which he would never do to me at least. I'd come to the conclusion that he liked me a while ago, more like a week ago.

Kats saying that I was 'holding him down' kind of hurt more than the entire yelling spree. I understood what he's talking about though. His goal is to be the number one hero, and having a love interest may tear him from that goal. I had already thought about that the moment I knew I liked him. I came up with a few possibilities that could work, but I guess he hasn't thought about it yet.

It's fine. He'll come to his own conclusion soon.

word count - 1232

A/N: I had to get this out earlier because I was gonna have a busy weekend. But anyway guys. Almost 700 READS!!! Are you kidding me y'all are amazing. Thank you for enjoying the story and thank you for the votes. Again feedback is also appreciated! And as always, have an amazing day :)

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