chap. 7

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"Do ya wanna go shopping?"

We were chillin' back in my room again. He started to come by often because it was 'calmer', but you could still hear the sound of people building in their rooms. I assumed that he just loved to make my life miserable by infiltrating it. My delusions, however, said that he wanted to be around me 24/7. To keep me sane, I believe the first one.

"Why would I go shopping with your bad fashion sense?" He chuckled as if that statement he made was funny. "First of all, I said nothing about clothes. And second, you have no right to talk when you wear black every day." His jaw dropped. "I do not. And I do have a right." He leaned back on my bed playing on his phone. I sneaked a peak at his phone before and saw that he was playing Subway Surfers. His high score was 5,098,562. That takes a lot of boredom.

"You're literally wearing black right now."

"It's onyx."

"Same thing!"

"Anyway, what gives you the right?" I asked, leaning on his shoulder. He seemed comfortable with it so it was okay. "My parents are fashion designers." That shot me up. "No way!" He side-eyed me. "Way." He had my full attention now. "So, like, what kind of fashion do they make?" The game pauses of the music and he turns his head towards me. "Casual wear, I guess."


"Oh." I sank into my sheets with a frown. "I thought they would have made punk stuff like Vivienne Westwood." I flopped back onto my bed. "What! No. They make basic fashion. I have to model sometimes, it's so uncomfortable." He unpaused his game and began to swipe.

"You model!?"

"You gonna be shocked by everything I say?"

"You say a lot of shocking things." I sit back up and stare at him. "You didn't answer my question. Will you go shopping with me?" I tilted my head and looked into his eyes. He looked to be questioning what I asked. His eyes suddenly snapped toward me. "Ugh, fine. But I get to pick your outfits."



She's so pretty.

I helped her pick out some clothes that I thought were nice. She had me sit on the chair that was in front of the dressing room so that she could try them on. She had a goofy smile on her face every time she came out of it. Every new outfit came with a twirl and a 'How do I look?'. I said she looked nice every time she came out. I wanted to say more, but I felt like that would be too much. She picked out one dress that I pointed out. It was kind of short but it had some flow. The dress was a light purple with ruffles on the bottom. I thought it would look cute on her.

And I was right. When she came out with that dress on, my eyes almost went wide. She looked so precious in it. I've never seen her in a dress, she usually wears baggy jeans.

"You should wear dresses more often," I said while eyeing her up and down. She turned away and covered her face. I thought I heard a tiny squeal. "You love it don't you?" She lets one of her pretty giggles.

"You look beautiful."

"Aww! Stawp it!"

She twirled again and the dress flowed up just like I thought it would. It was perfect. She was perfect.

"You always look beautiful," I murmured.

"What was that?"


"Well, okay. I'm definitely going to buy this dress and the first two outfits. I don't know about the rest though." She walks back into the dressing room. I slumped into the chair. Hope she didn't hear me.

She walked out again holding the clothes that she wanted to get. "Alright let's leave. I still wanna go to another place." We went up to the cash register and she placed her clothes down.

"Will that be all for today?" The lady asked as she checked the clothes out. "Oh yes." Vi started to get her card out, But before she could I tapped my card on the screen. She blankly stared at it. "I could've paid for that." She looked at me with her violet eyes. "Well, you didn't." I put my card away and picked up the bags. Vi let out a little 'Thank you' to the cashier before following me. We set out to walk to the store she wanted us to go to.

"Come on, let's get your little shopping spree done."


He's being awfully sweet.

He took me to a stuffed animal store. I guess he got the idea from my bed that stuffed animals take up about 75% of it. I got to pick out a bunch of new ones. He then paid for all of them even after criticizing how some of them looked. He's just a hater.

After that, we went to get froyo at a place he knew about. He got...pistachio. Maybe liking him was a mistake. I got cotton candy with cheesecake bites on top. You can tell who has better taste.

"You're so interesting. You know that?" I ate my tasty froyo while eyeing his froyo with disgust. "What do you mean?" He took a large bite out of his. "Who gets pistachio froyo?" He stopped mid-bite to look at me.

"Try it."


"Try it."

He held a spoonful of his disgusting froyo to my face. I stared daggers at him, but he looked determined. I looked at the spoon. It can't be that bad. I took the spoon into my mouth.


Damn it. It was good.

"You like it, huh?" He smirked with pride at my face. It always gives something away. "It's fine." I take a bite from my froyo again to remember which one is better. "Not as disgusting as you thought it was going to be?" I squinted my eyes at him. "As I said. It's fine." I go back to eating my froyo. "Yeah, okay. I saw how your face lit up when you ate it." He took another enormous bit from it. "You can never lie to me."

"Mhm." I pouted and looked outside the window. "What's with that face?" He looked confused. "I don't know. Just never been this close to someone before." I shrugged my shoulders. "You think we're close?" He cocked his head. "I mean yeah. You're like one of the two people who have been in my room."

"Was the other person you?"

"No, it was Mei."


"You literally never listen to me." I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my chair. "I'll try harder. I promise." He looked at me with those bromine eyes. They were gorgeous. I could stare at them for all of eternity.

"You pinky promise?" I held out my pinky to him to interlock them. "Do I really gotta do this?"



He locked his pinky with mine.

"Yea, I pinky promise."

word count- 1181

A/N: Back with another update. Im so proud of myself. I hope that we are all aware that this is a ooc Bakugou. Like we all know right? Ad also we are almost at 500 reads!!! Like thank you so much guys!!! One more thing. I really want to start a sero x oc soon so tell me if y'all would be interested in that. Okay um please comment and vote on this chapter if you like and as always have an amazing day :)

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