chap. 6

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I woke up in a bed that was not mine and a pink fuzzy blanket over me. I was still groggy from waking up so I wasn't able to look around the room to see where I was. I blinked a few times and then looked up to see a beautiful face peacefully sleeping. Oh crap. I looked under the blanket and saw that we both had clothes on. Thank god. I looked back up at Vi and saw that she was drooling. She's so fucking cute. I tried to escape her grasp but she held me tighter almost in a 'don't leave me' type of way.

"Someone doesn't want to get rid of me." I poked her sides and she started to wake up. She groaned and slowly opened her eyes, laying them on me. "You look pretty in pink." She blurted. I was taken aback by what she said. "Where did that come from?" I asked, staring into her deep purple eyes. I didn't notice there color until now. "Just an observation." She snuggled her pretty little head back into her pillow, her black bonnet contrasting with the pink pillowcase. I playfully rolled my eyes and reached over her to grab my phone which she kindly plugged in for me.

"It's 7:28."

"In the morning?"


"Oh boo. I'm going back to bed." She flipped over to face the other way. I chuckled and moved to lay on my back. "I usually work out at this time," I mumbled. I don't even know why I did it. "If you need to go then go." She whispered. I contemplated what she said. "Nah I won't."

She quickly whipped back around to face me. "Now who doesn't want to get rid of me?" She let out that adorable giggle and snuggled back into the covers. I turned my head to look at her and saw that she was already drifting back off to sleep.

"Maybe you're right."


What is happening?

"When did I start to see Kat differently? Maybe it was at the park? Or maybe a little after he started visiting me in the workshop? No, it was definitely when I got assigned to help with his costume. I could be wrong though. It's totally not his appearance. His captivating vermilion eyes that glisten when they're in light do nothing for me. Or his sun-bleached hair that's way too blonde. Or the surprisingly soft skin that he totally needs sunscreen on every time he leaves the house. Yeah, I totally don't like him."

"Yeah girl, imma cut your rant short and say that you do like him." Mei was being as blunt as ever. It was our once-in-a-blue-moon girl's day. She was painting my nails a dark orange. Out of nowhere, I felt the urge to prove to myself that I didn't like Katsuki. It backfired...miserably. "I don't!" I dragged out. "But you do!" she copied.

I put my hands to my face, almost wiping it on my braid. "Hey don't ruin the polish cuz you're conflicted!" She snatched my hands back and continued painting. "Babe, what do I do? I don't even think he's capable of love." She looks at me with a lifted eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?" "What I mean is his whole 'imma be the number one' complex. And if he magically likes me back then that may destroy it for him." Mei looks more confused than before. "How would that destroy him?"

"You're just full of questions, huh?"

"You know me."

I sighed in disbelief. "It would destroy him because it would take him off focus." This time I sighed with sadness. "He's already skipping his training because of me. I could make it worse." I started to pout and Mei rolled her eyes at my dramatics.

"Not you being more dramatic than me. Let me guess, this has only happened once, right?" She stared at me with a 'you know I'm right' look. "Possibly. But one time can last a long time." I act like I just dropped bars. "Yeah, whatever girl. The times that I've seen he looked lovesick. So." I kissed my teeth in aggravation. "Don't you dare feed into my delusions." I point at her in confrontation. "You know me."

I groaned in frustration and lay back to think about what she said. He was softer to me than with other people. And he was unnaturally cozy with me. "Do you think he actually likes me?" I had a ditzy smile on my face. "Do I love my babies?" I cackle at her response.

"Alrigh,t guys I may have a chance."


She's acting weird.

Lately, Vi has been taking an interest in me, like a lot. She's been asking me personal questions like 'What's my favorite food' and 'What candy do I like'. Okay, they may not be that personal, but they are to me. She had also been quoting things that I dropped into conversation. It's like she's trying to make it known that she pays attention to what I say. So weird.

"Hey, dumb hair." I took a seat next to Kirishima in the common area. I know his name, duh, but I still like that nickname. "Bakugou!" he screeched. "I haven't seen you in a while man! Where have you been?" I signal for him to pipe down a bit and he gets it immediately. He's seriously one of the only extras that I tolerate. "None of your-" I pause and think if I should tell him my situation. "Actually I have a question." He took no time to reply. "Sure man, what's up?" I lick my teeth, wondering how to phrase my question.

"How do you know if you want to fuck someone?"

That's not right.

"I don't think I'm the person to ask about that dude." I shook my head. "No I mean like," I think of another way. "Like how do you know if you like someone?"

That's better.

"Oh!" he dragged on. "Fucking someone and liking someone are two very different things." I groaned in anger. "Whatever. Tell me what you know." I leaned back into the couch. I don't hang out down here often. "Well...they're usually nice to you." I rolled my eyes. "No shit. I need to know the specific stuff. " He leaned back and thought about his answer. First time I've ever seen him think. "They would try and get to know you more. Like in a deeper sense. Oh, and they'll be more touchy-feely. That's how Midoriya is with me." I side-eyed him. "Don't talk about you and Deku's relationship. I don't wanna know the icky stuff." Kirishima gasped and stared directly at me. "You are such a homophobe!" He 'clutched his pearls' in shock. "I'm not. Just don't want to hear what that nerd is doing."

Kirishima stuck out his tongue in a teasing way. "I'll tease you with the information another day. Anyway, why are you asking me about relationships? Got anyone in mind?" He lifted his eyebrows up and down. I looked around the common area to see if anyone was around. It was only invisa-bitch and tail guy. "Yeah actually." He let out a louder gasp than before. I signaled in a 'shh' motion and he quieted down. "Remember that girl that picked me up from the classroom." He had to think about it for a sec then he nodded his head. "Oh, her! She's really pretty, man."

"Duh, that's why I like her."

"No need to be harsh."

"Vi's really amazing. She's like the definition of beautiful. I just noticed the color of her eyes and they're a deep purple. You have to be so close just to notice, that may be why her name is Violet. Her hair is so unique. So pretty to look at. She's so observant too. Can always tell when something's up with me even if I try to hide it. She always smells so nice, even if I'm far away I can still smell her. She's just so, I don't know."

I look up to see Kirishima staring at me with wide eyes. He looked like he was in shock.

"Someone's in love."

"Yeah, I am."

word count- 1357

A/N: Hey y'all! I've gotten so many reads this past week! Thank you so much for enjoying my story and for the votes. Please leave any feedback on my stories so that my writing can improve, or just comment whenever you feel like. Have an amazing day :)

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