🍒008; Mend It

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Three weeks earlier, at the high school–––Malia Tate went upwards the bleachers, where she had noticed Maia Martin writing something on her notebook, a brunette girl with tannish skin sitting next to the dark red haired girl, Malia then sitting next to the dark red haired girl, the brunette girl then walking away.

"Friend of yours?" Malia asks.

"My m-Natalie has always helped her with her nightmares and honestly when i first was taken here, that was when i was seven–––she was my first friend ever, then i met Scott and Stiles." Maia smiles at her.

Maia then felt Malia poking her head over her shoulder, as if trying to see what she's doing, Maia weirdly staring at her. "...what are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Malia curiously asks.

"Well, i got a couple more notes for you, since you said that Lydia's own are difficult."

"That's because they're all in code!"

Maia chuckles, then handing her the notebook. "Try not to turn this in your own personal coloring book, okay?" Maia then gets up.

Malia then saw Maia walking away, her calling out to her. "Thank you!"


Inside Derek Hale's loft–––Maia Martin sat on a table, her swinging her legs back and forth, her disturbed expression caressed over her features.

"Is something wrong, Maia?" Derek asks, stepping inside.

Maia stayed silent, her looking down at her feet, Derek staring at her, repeating her name. "...Maia?" Maia then slowly looks at him. "Yes?" Derek then scoffs a chuckle. "A-are you, are you okay?" Maia shrugs at his question.

"But, are you?" Maia then asks.

Derek frowns his brows confusingly. "Why wouldn't i be?"

"That night–––after you became you...i saw your eyes, they weren't the icy blue i remembered, no, instead they were a color i've never seen on you before, golden." Maia states.

"Kate did something to me, and i just feel so weak, i can't heal as much as i used to, i can't fight as much as i used to, that's why i went to Braeden-." Derek was explaining.

Maia quickly interjects. "You don't have to explain anything, but, what you can do, is show me your eyes..."

Derek flickered his newly golden eyes at her, glowing them at her, Maia's hand caressing his face, her pouting at him.

"Is something wrong?"

Maia sighs out softly. "Red mostly suited you, and i did like the blue, gold doesn't really look good on you, honestly."

Derek sarcastically smiles. "Thanks."


Earlier at the Yukimura's household, Liam Dunbar was with Malachai Martin and Kira Yukimura as a form of undergoing the plan of Scott McCall faking his death.

"...are you guys totally sure about this?" Liam nervously asks.

Kira looks over at Scott. "I think you should tell Liam 'it's going to be all right'."

Scott's dark brown eyes glanced at the young Werewolf from across the room, him reassuring him. "It's going to be okay."

"So, you've done this before?" Liam looks at Noshiko.

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now