🍒008; I Can't Help But Love You

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A red haired woman grabbed onto the jaw of a younger seven year old little girl, a cold look in the woman's eyes as she glared into the girl's own, who looked more than afraid.

Maia Martin winced in pain, her lips lightly parting, a pained gasp escaping her, feeling her mother's fingernails digging onto her face.

"Mom! You're–––you're hurting me." Maia painfully whispers.

The red haired woman then let go of her face roughly, a seven year old Maia holding onto her face, whilst whimpering in pain.

"Why'd you do that? Why are you friends with her? When i specifically told you not to go along with it? But, you being you, always ignore my warning!" The woman shouts angrily at her.

"Mom, she's my friend! Just 'cause th-." Maia had a look of confusion on her face.

"Are you back talking your mother, little girl?" A man questionably and sternly asks.

"N-no, i was just-." Maia nervously stammers out.


Maia Martin was seen sitting on the bed, her back rested against the pillow, her with a book in her hands, her eyes looking through the book.

Derek Hale just walked inside the room, closing the door, Maia staring at him in confusion.


Derek just sat on the edge of the bed, without saying a word.

"...okay." Maia awkwardly says, brows frowning at him.

"I know, you're upset because of what happened to Boyd-."

"Why didn't you do anything?" Derek then asks with an expressionless look.

Maia stares at him, feeling like he was accusing her. "I did do something! I tried to warn him."

Maia then shrugs. "But, as usual...no one listens to me when it comes to their life."

"...you think it's my fault? Really? So...what? First i'm your little plaything and now i'm a murder? Thanks." Maia glares at him, her quickly getting off of the bed.

"I didn't mean that, you're not my plaything." Derek sighs out.

Maia then softly sighs out at him.

"Oh, no, you're my uncle Peter's, since...you did in fact sleep with him."

Maia gasped at him. "Oh! Okay, hey, that only happened once, all right? Horrible of me, okay?"

"O-oh, and what about you? You were with Jennifer, you were alive and you went to her? Nice thinking." Maia slightly rolled her eyes.

"Well, sorry, but you were with Scott, what was i supposed to do?" Derek sarcastically asks.

"Yeah, 'cause he wasn't allowing his self to heal because he felt guilty–––the guilt was eating him from inside, thinking you was dead." Maia lowly says, a fiery look in her eyes.

"...well, you should know, that you were the first person i wanted to call, okay?" Derek says after a long moment of silence.

"Really?" Maia asks in surprise.

Derek then shrugs. "Yeah...really."

Derek then mumbles. "Silly little girl."

Maia groans, slightly rolling her eyes, then looked at Derek.

"What, now?" Maia curiously asks.

"Well–––i still love you." Derek says boldly.

"You're serious? Even after what i did? You know...if that was someone else-." Maia was saying, but got cut off.

Derek's hands was placed onto her face, bringing her towards him. "Yeah, well, i'm not someone else."

Maia's green eyes lit up, her then wrapping her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest, his arms wrapped around her.

His lips was then seen connecting against the side of her head, his fingers combing through her hair, her hands pulling him closer.


"Come upstairs, why don't i show you what happens to little girls that backtalk their parents?"

Celeste Martin and Abel Martin.

Abel grabbed onto Maia's wrist, forcefully dragging up the stairs, the girl, who was human by the time, dragged her feet across the floor, whimpering out.

"Come on, you little brat." Abel angrily says.

"She's not a brat." Another voice says.

"Oh, of course not, but, i guess, you're the hero, aren't you?"

A seven year old Malachai, grabbed his sister away from the poor excuse for a father.

"Oh! Both of you wants to get punished?" Abel's eyes lit up.

"Leave her alone." Malachai angrily glares at him.

"Stay out of this, Malachai." Celeste warns.

"Leave us." Malachai angrily says.

"Oh, i don't think he's going to- give me the girl." Abel tried to get Maia.

Malachai held onto Maia, Maia's little hand grasp onto his.

"I said–––leave us alone." Malachai's body shook with anger.

Malachai stares at his father with a death stare, blood flowing from his father's eyes, him screaming out in agonizing pain, then falling to his death.

Celeste shrieks in horror, then looks at her son in terror.




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