A Glimpse Of Hope

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Perhaps, life isn't any different. If you go in the opposite direction of everyone else, you maybe able to find a quite, peaceful path that isn't crowded.

The soldiers gathered in a dimly lit room, the tension in the air was suffocating as they reviewed the plan for the daring hostage rescue mission. Maps and blueprints were spread out on the table, illuminated by the soft glow of tactical screens.

The team leader, his voice steady and commanding, outlined the objectives and assigned roles to each member of the squad. Each soldier listened intently, their expressions a mixture of determination and focused resolve.

The plan was meticulous, leaving nothing to chance. From the entry point to the extraction route, every detail had been carefully thought out and rehearsed. Each soldier knew their part and understood the risks involved.

As they finalized the plan, a sense of unity swept over the team, binding them together for a common purpose. They were not just soldiers; they were a brotherhood, bound by duty and honor.

With a final nod from the team leader, the soldiers rose as one, their minds sharp, their spirits resolute. 

They knew the stakes were high, but they were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they filed out of the room, the soldiers carried with them a sense of determination and purpose, ready to execute the plan and bring the hostages home safely.

Their mission was clear, their resolve unwavering. They were soldiers on a mission, and nothing would stand in their way.

They were welcomed by the gloomy faces of their loved ones. Something they don't like doing because to them their job has a thin line between death and coming back alive. 

Yazid masked away the emotions he was feeling as he glanced at his family with a smile that didn't reach his face. 

His sister hugged him first with tears in her eyes. It hurts to see them like this, but he has to save some innocent souls also.

"Allah yayi maka albarka. I'm so proud of you my son," His dad finally got his voice.

"Please come back to us," His mom said as her tears dropped on the painful gaze of the evening breeze.

Yazid could only shake his head and hug her because he couldn't make a promise he was not sure of fulfilling.
So he hugged his mom.

He hugged her as if it was his last time to do so his body shaking with the amount of fear he bottled. They chose to save their country but along the way, they're also sacrificing their family. 

No mother will want her son to go through the battled field but also no mother will want to be in a safe place with her children while other children are suffering with no parent's to save them from this harsh world. 

Life is a series of endless dramas and each time a drama unfolds we find ourselves in a not so position to choose between what we love and what we like.

"Hey are you not saying goodbye to me," Yazid said to Nouhran and all she could do was stare at him. 

And in those eyes that haunt him everything he tried to close his eyes. Yazid saw pain and agony.

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