Chapter 6: Sage

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Elena wakes to being laid onto a bed, just as her head hits the pillow

"Where are we?" she asks, scanning the room groggily.

"I checked us into a motel." Top replies. "I tried to wake you up in the car but you wouldn't budge so I just carried you up her."

Elena yawns and stretches before rubbing her eyes.

"Was I not heavy to you?"

"Not really, I guess one of the perks of being the son of the Grim Reaper is super human strength."

"Well that's useful."

Top shrugs.

"Is it?"

He turns to sit his tanto sword on the desk in the room and Elena stares as he dreerily goes the motions of washing his hands. It reminds of her dad when he would come home from work some days. Her dad would frequently work a double shifts and he would look so drained both physically and emotionally. Top had that same unmotivated atmosphere around him. However was far past drained, as Top looks completely dead on his feet staring into nothing.

"Top, are you okay?"


The response caught Elena off guard, so she didn't immediately have a response for it.

"Well, is there something you want to talk about it?" she asked after a few shaky moments.

Top turns around to look at Elena after drying his hands.

"You still hungry? I got you your one american favorite."

Elena realizes that she is stilll in fact starving.

"Oh Yes Please."

Top grabs the bag marked Taco Bell off of the nearby desk and hands it to her. Elena immediately looks inside to discover, two soft shelled tacos. She quickly unwraps it and stuff half of it in her mouth in a single bite. She swallows after barely three bites before shoving the rest down as well. As she reached back into the bag to pull out another taco she looks up to Top who was staring at her with disbelief.

"What?" She asks, feeling a but self concious.

"You just inhaled a taco."

"You asked me if i was hungry knowing full well that I was starving, don't you sit there and judge me."

Top puts his hands up in a surrendering manner.

"Alright alright."

He sits down in the chair and leans back with his arms folded. An awkwards silence falls over the room as the teens sit across the room from one another.



"You never answered my question"

Top by lifts his head to look at her and continues to stare with a cold expression. After yet another brief silence Elena opens her mouth to speak, but is stopped by Top's sudden outburts.

"What exactly do you want me to say Elena? You saw what happened. I just lost everything! It hurts! I feel terrible! I'd much rather be dead right now! Is that what you wanna hear?! Do you feel better now!?"

"No I ju-... Top I'm So-"

"I know you are. but I watched my family die today. 'Sorry' doesn't help me."

"I know that, but still I cant just... I just wish there was something I could do, even if it only helps a little bit."

"You can stop bringing it up."

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