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∘₊✧Aranyo: Sometimes distraction is needed✧∘₊

Almost one hour later, Ragini came back to our room. The whole time, I was tense, how will she react, how much Dad is going to tell her. Yeah I know her family is broken too, she can understand the feelings but still be an open book for those incidents. Thammi, how badly she treated my mom, it's really difficult to think about, when we just got married yesterday.

The light sound of opening the bathroom door catches my attention. Suddenly her face is looking pale. Her eyes are a little red, eyelashes are wet as if she cried, it's not because she washed her face. I got the idea, she is emotional, but how to comfort her... I am not good with comfort words.

I put my laptop aside and take steady steps towards her. I can feel she is avoiding me like if we talk she will not be able to control her cry. Currently, she is braiding her hair. For seconds, our eyes connect through the mirror, but she is fast enough to break eye contact and focus on the braiding. I stand behind her, she doesn't flinch. I wrap my hands around her waist and pull her towards my chest. She again doesn't flinch but her eyes are still not looking at me.

I push my hands under the saree to touch her bare stomach, the slight movement of her body encourages me to go further.

I move my fingers tiny to ease her muscles and let her relax in my arms. I drop my head over her left shoulder. And it hit me badly when still she wasn't looking at my eyes. I put my lips lightly over her ear before whispering, "When I am with you, you are only allowed to focus on me, look at my eyes."

She let her neck stiffness go away, and dropped her head on my chest, but still she is holding her braid. I snatch the braid from her hand, and start to untie using two fingers. I focused on her face, the little red tint on her cheeks visible, but she was a little off with some dizzy thoughts. I know distracting her isn't a solution, but when you are puzzled, discussion will not help. When her emotions settle down, her brain will calm down and discuss, then it will be fruitful.

It's still two ties there on her braid, and I take a daring step, thinking she will not be mad. I wrap the hair around my fist with a little tight grip and with a little jerk I make her tittle her head towards my chest, force her eyes to look at the image of me in the mirror.

Making eye contact with her, I lean down to touch my lips on her base of neck, "Eyes on me, Ragini. I want all of your focus on me."

A small smile appears on her lips, which quickly turns into a devilish one, and whispers to make it audible only for me, "Make me."

That's why she is my wild kitty.

I pinch on her belly to gain a loud gasp, and before she can recover from it, I suck the skin of her neck length. She gasps, "Aranyo stop it, you already made marks, and I had to invest time to cover up this..."

I pull her hair on my fist, to title her head, to grab her lips. Uff, I don't know what kind of honey is injected into her judicious lips, make me mad, make me lose control all over. I just want to squeeze them, ruin them in between my lips.

She tries her best. She tries to match my pace, but she has to know, her old man is the one who can control when we are making love.

Shit, the damn thought of making love, makes me insane. I lick the outline of her lips, before pushing my tongue into her mouth, which makes her little pretty mouth open wider.

A smirk appears when her tongue wants to participate in the battle and I love to win each moment. The feeling is so intoxicated, I didn't realise when I turned her around and pushed her back to the mirror, my hand isn't fisting her hair, instead it's gripping her nape to fix her in her place.

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