My Greatest and Final Gift To You

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"Wooooo!" Aurora's voice echoed off the falls as she dove, the wind and the water roaring and surging all around her as she spiraled down. Two, large, dark, golden wings jutted from her back, and she grinned into the sunlight and spray of the water as she pulled up at the last possible second. Her feet just barely touched the surface of the river, and she giggled as she dragged her toes through it. She continued to race along, powerful wings flapping and beating as hard as they could. Can't slow down! Can't slow down!

Breathless with glee, she looked over her shoulder. There, only a few feet behind her, was Maleficent. The dark fairy queen was grinning too, smirking that familiar smirk. Her magical eyes glowed and spiraled, golden and green.

"Come on, godmother! Catch me! Catch me!" Aurora taunted as she took to the sky once more.

"Be careful what you wish for, Beastie!" Maleficent's own wings pounded even louder and stronger than Aurora's. "I may not have had my wings in years, but I've still had them longer than you!" She tossed back her head and laughed, a rare and wild and wonderful sound, like a forest melody. Her long, dark locks fluttered and shimmered in the breeze, the same color as her wings. While Auroura's wings glistened in shades of dark gold, Maleficent's were brown and black, but no less magnificent. Hers were the earthy ground to Aurora's morning sun.

"Wooooo!" Aurora cheered again as the wind whistled and sang in her ears while she tilted her body and wings this way and that, angling them just so, maximizing the currents she caught, the eddies she rode, and the drafts she danced with. "See, godmother?!" she boasted proudly over her shoulder again. It was not just the overconfidence of youth that made her believe she could best Maleficent in aerial acrobatics. She'd actually been studying quite long and hard, memorizing every vent and draft within the Moors, especially based on the wind flow and current pattern through the trees and around some of the large, stone structures, such as the waterfall. She sculpted the very air with her wings.

Ah, but I've been doing this since the day I was born! Maleficent thought with a soft cackle. Credit where it was due, Beastie had surprised, impressed, and pleased her greatly. That little human had done her homework! But it still had nothing on a natural-blooded, Moor-born fae folk. Maleficent knew the patterns, shapes, and colors of the wind like the back of her hand and better, even all these years later. You never forget how to stretch your wings and fly, no matter how long's it been. It is not a sensation one can EVER truly forget.

Now this human child had the rare, wonderful, exquisite gift and opportunity to join the fae in their flights.

"Cawww! Cawww! CAWWW!"

"Diaval!" Both Aurora and Maleficent cried out jubilantly, the smiles on their faces growing even wider as a large, dark raven suddenly came spiraling towards them, showing off all of his best acrobatic tricks, feats, stunts, and movements.

"Ca-CAWW! Ca-CAWW!" Diaval cried, spinning and spiraling, wings outstretched, long and dark and beautiful, glorious, radiant. Somehow, the two understood him perfectly. What he had said was, "Look at me, you two! I'm doin' a barrel roll!"

As he spun and rolled through the sky, Aurora watched him with delighted, approving eyes.

Maleficent also smiled, though she looked slightly more puzzled. What is a... "barrel roll"?

Aurora could only laugh again as she put on an extra burst of speed, wind whipping through her hair. If her raven godfather was going to be her new challenger, then she was going to best him just as she would her fairy godmother! It never even occurred to her to stop and question how any of this was possible. How were Maleficent's wings restored? Where had her own come from? Even down to their sudden ability to read Diaval's "raven-speak" telepathically and translate it into human English.


In her sleep, Aurora smiled. She looked so peaceful this way, so happy and serene and free. Maleficent and Diaval stood over her, protecting her, keeping vigil.

"I will not ask your forgiveness, because what I have done to you is unforgivable..." The dark fairy's voice hadn't been so soft and sad and vulnerable in years. Her voice broke, and she trembled as she addressed the sleeping beauty. How sweet the sweet princess looked, lost in what Maleficent hoped were the sweetest dreams that could've ever been dreamt. Heaven knew that if anyone deserved it, it was Aurora. Unlike Maleficent, who deserved nothing but endless nightmares. Well, perhaps there was some justice in the universe, for it appeared that Maleficent was going to get exactly that: a never-ending nightmare. But why did it have to be at Aurora's expense?

She deserved all the happiest of dreams, but Maleficent was the one who should've been lying in that bed, cursed for all eternity, never to bother anyone—Moorish or human—ever again. That was where the universe's injustice returned.

"I was so lost in hatred and revenge..." the dark fairy admitted brokenly. Truly, this was all my fault, starting from the day I was too afraid to strike back against the one who hurt me. So instead, I took it out on you, Aurora. An innocent little baby girl...

Maleficent could feel tears burning her eyes. They, and the pain, were well-deserved, but she managed to keep them in a little while longer. "Oh, dear, sweet Aurora, you stole what was left of my heart. And now I have lost you forever... But I swear, no harm will come to you as long as I live."

She finally looked away to lock eyes with Diaval. His were already misting over, but he managed a nod, hands behind his back like a soldier standing at attention. Aurora was his princess, and he was the knight in shining, sleek, black armor. Like his mistress, he would defend Aurora until the day he died. It was the least she was owed, and the one thing he could still do for her as her raven godfather.

Maleficent turned back to the child, for that was all that she truly was, after all, only 16... So young... "I am sorry, Aurora, but allow me... This is my last and greatest gift to you..." The magic that wafted over Aurora was green and gold, and it sank into her face, particularly around her eyes. It would activate the parts of her brain most critical for making good dreams while dulling and muting the parts that would conjure up nightmares. She heard Aurora sigh softly, relaxing even further, the beatific smile on her face growing just a little bit bigger.

It was enough to evoke a smile out of Maleficent, though that smiled was mixed with tears that finally slipped from her eyes. She wondered what beautiful, sweet, bittersweet dreams she'd given Aurora, but the inability to ever truly find out was just another part of her well-deserved punishment. She could only hope that judging by the look on Aurora's face, it was a good one. A really good one. One she was certain she had no part in. She was a creature of nightmares, banished not just to the darkest corners of Aurora's mind, but out of her head completely. Now all that remained were good things, good people. Maybe Diaval would be there. Maybe Stefan and Leila and her three aunties. Maybe even that Phillip boy.

Right before the fairy departed to keep watch outside the room, she knelt down at the princess' bedside and kissed her forehead. "And not a day shall pass that I don't miss your smile. Sleep well, my sleeping beauty..." Your godmother loves you... But she couldn't bring herself to say those words, at least not out loud. She did not want to embitter her beloved child's sweetest dreams.

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