Every Day Something

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Chapter 9 Every Day Something

Rachel's POV

My eyes flutter open to the site of my boyfriend hovering above me. "Good morning baby" he says to me. "Mmm good morning back" I say. "I love you" he says pushing his morning hard on into my wet center. Last night was glorious. I love when Finn sings to me. But when he sings to me while making love it's on a whole other plane of existence. He pushes deep causing me to moan. "God Rach, you're still so tight" he breaths into my ear. Thrusting in and out Finn brings me to the edge and just as I'm about to fall over. "I think I'll try defying gravity" "Fuck' Finn says. "Sorry" I tell him. "Ignore it" he says continuing to push into me. He reaches between us and rubs my nub that is still sensitive from last night. My phone continues to ring. I know its Kurt. I try to ignore it. It keeps ringing.

Finn is getting frustrated while he continues to pound into me. My baby bump moving with his thrust. "Finn" I scream as he hits my spot on the inside. "RACH" he yells. Once his breathing comes down he pulls out rolling over. He grabs my phone that is still ringing. 'SOMEBODY BETTER BE MAIMED OR DEAD" he grunts into the phone.

"Good morning to you big brother' Kurt responds

"It was until you tried to disturb it" Finn moans. "Baby give me the phone" I say. He hands me the phone. "I'm jumping in the shower then I'll start breakfast. I love you" he says leaving the warmth of our bed.

"Good morning Kurt" I say

"Diva, why are you still in bed. Mercedes and I will be there in a few minutes."

"Kurt, what are you talking about?"

"Pregnancy brain has set in, I see" Kurt bemoans

"Why are you guys coming over?" I inquire

"I have to approve your ensemble for school today. It's picture day for Glee club and I can't have my nephew's mother looking like a toddler and granny all at the same time."

I sigh "Kurt, I can dress myself. Finn is in the shower and then going to make me breakfast"

Kurt cuts me off 'Ooh Goody, tell him I want my eggs over easy and Cedes wants scrambled."

"Kurt he isn't going to make you eggs. Ugh. I just want to dress myself. I'm sick of everyone ragging on me." I snap

"Calm down diva. I was joking." He reassures me.

"I'm sorry Kurt. You just interrupted us and now I'm crabby. I want bacon, polenta, and fried chicken and Finn can't make polenta" I start to cry.

"Woe, I'm sorry. We won't come over okay. Just wear that cute blue dress we bought two weeks ago with your ballet flats and Cedes will curl your hair at school.' Kurt backs off.

Sniffling I say "thanks Kurt, bye see you at school."

"Okay Diva see you soon"

I hang up and dry my eyes because they weren't' real tears. I just didn't want to get out of bed. My belly is getting bigger every day. Putting on clothes is a hassle. If I could go naked I would. Nothing fits and everything is uncomfortable. I stretch out my legs and arms and swing my legs out of bed. I pick up Finn's t-shirt from last night and put it on. His t-shirts seem to be the only thing I want to wear. They are so comfortable and smell like him.

I finally make it to the kitchen where my handsome boyfriend is putting together a breakfast wrap for me. He is so perfect. I love him so much.

Handing me my breakfast Finn asks "Are you wearing that to school today?"

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