Push It!

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I've been reading fan Fictions over this week, because I love all the excellent writing, but something has been bothering me. When some writers make Finchel pregnant, they come up with some bizarre scenario's that are totally implausible. For example: How would a healthy 16-17 yr. old girl and guy just spontaneously have four fetuses? Or a healthy 20 something give birth to a baby with Down syndrome or die in childbirth in 2011-2014, not plausible. So I have decided or Finchel has demanded I write a pregnancy story of my own. Never fear my other stories are not abandoned. I finish my work (pet peeve, unfinished stories).

This will take place during and beyond Showmance. Quinn will lie to him about her pregnancy in an attempt to hold on to him. Rachel lets him choose, hoping he chooses her and their baby. Puck will be consumed with guilt that it's literally making him sick. Title of this Fiction comes from Creed's With Arms Wide Open. Enjoy

Chapter one

Push it!

Rachel's POV

The day after she attended the Celibacy Club meeting. She's walking down the halls of McKinley High.

What a joke. Balloons really? They talk about abstinence and the three biggest whores in the school are sting there with straight faces. Hypocrites. I meant what I said, Girls want sex just as much as guys do, but the difference is girls want love that should come with sex. Well most girls, Santana and Brittany probably don't even know how to spell love, yet feel it.

Quinn Fabray is the biggest hypocrite of them all. She acts all innocent, than I hear her offering to let Finn touch her boobs so he quits Glee. And I see how she flirts with Puckerman. Puckerman is in love with her, you can see it. Finn has no idea, I feel sorry for him. He is so much better than them all. I wish he could see him like I see him.

Okay Rachel enough of your Finn Hudson haze pity party to the matter at hand. Doing disco will kill any chance Glee has of getting new members. Mr. Shue most really be slipping, disco's been dead since it was born. But going to that celibacy club meeting got me thinking, we need to give the school what they crave more than anything.

I'm going to send out a glee wide text calling an emergency meeting in 30 minutes.

Fellow Glee Clubbers, I hope this text finds you all in a good place. We need to have a meeting. It is the utmost importance. WE CAN NOT DO DISCO. I have a plan. Meet me in the gym in 30 minutes.


Kurt check. Mercedes Check with sassiness, Tina Check, Artie check, now all I need is Finn to say he'll be ther...Ooh yeah Finn check. Now where's that weird girl that likes to wear peppers on her shirts, I need her to distract Mr. Shue.

30 minutes later in the Gym.

"I'm tired of hearing you squawk Ava Peron" Mercedes huffs.

"Let her talk" Finn says and nods to me to continue.

Shaking my head to clear the Finn Hudson fog, it really should be illegal for someone to be so damn sexy. The normal people don't have a chance.

'I have another idea for the assembly." I tell my team mates

Artie says "Can I, once again, stress my most strenuous objections to this attempted suicide?"

I assure Artie and my fellow glee clubbers "They're not gonna kill us. Because we're gonna give them what they want."

"Blood?" Kurt asks with sarcasm and distain.

Well here goes nothing. "Better. Sex." I see their eyes go wide and I know I got them on the hook.

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