The Wedding

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Chapter 7 The Wedding

It's been two months since that day in the choir room, when Finn told everyone they could accept and respect Rachel and his relationship or they could hit the bricks. To no one's surprise Quinn quit. She said she couldn't stand to see Finn fawn all over treasure trail. Her words. They were down one member. Despite Puck trying to calm, talk to and beg Quinn to return she hasn't.

Finn and Rachel were in the choir room, Rachel in Finn's lap. Finn's big hand spread across her ever expanding baby bump. They were in a pretty heated make out session when the choir door opened.

"Excuse me" they heard a female voice, breaking the spell they were under.

Rachel tore her lips from Finn, standing up she said "can we help you?"

"I'm Drita I'd like to join Glee club" the brown hair, blue eyed girl tells her.

"Oh that's fantastic, Finn isn't that great" Rachel beams at her boyfriend,

"Yeah, so how long have you been singing Drita right?" Finn asks the girl

"Since I was little. Singing is my favorite thing to do in the entire world." Drita responds.

"Me too" Rachel claps, jumping slightly in place.

"Rach, don't bounce my baby around. You might hurt her" Finn says jokingly

"Oh, you're so silly. Baby Hudson is perfectly safe in the confines of my uterus." Rachel giggles

"You guys are having a baby? Aren't you just sophomores?" Drita asks.

"Yes, we are having a baby, we are together, we love each other, we are the leads of this club and we could care less what people think. If you don't like it the door is over there." Finn spats

"Finn" Rachel scolds him for being rude.

"I-I didn't mean it like that, I ju-just, I'm glad for you if you're happy. I didn't mean to offend you." Drita apologizes.

"Don't mind papa bear over there, Drita. Finn tends to go all incredible hulk if he thinks people are dissing his baby or me. He really is just a big ole teddy bear." Rachel informs Drita.

"Thanks Rach, I'm standing right here. I'm glad Puck didn't hear you, he'd be revoking my man card" Finn chuckles.

"It makes you more man than Noah could ever be baby." Rachel says giving Finn a peck on the lips.

"So Glee practice is after school at 3:15, you'll need a song to audition with but everyone who tries out and can sing gets in. Don't be nervous you'll do fine." Rachel reassures the girl standing before them.

"Thanks, I'll see you later than" Drita says leaving the love birds alone once again.

Drita finds herself standing in front of the weirdest group of people to ever be assembled. They are so different but fit so well. The obvious gay guy sitting with a well-endowed sassy black girl. Two cheerios with their pinky's attached. The football players who don't speak often, a nerdy kid in a wheel chair talking with an Asian Goth girl and then the Mohawk guy sitting by himself looking unaffected.

"Drita, whenever you are ready" Mr. Shue instructs the girl.

"I'm Drita, I'm a sophomore and I'll be singing I have a dream from Mama Mia"

Kurt and Rachel perk up at hearing her song choice. The rest of the group just stares.

Drita nods to Brad and he begins the song.

I have a dream, a song to sing, to help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels, something good in everything I see
I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream, I have a dream

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