Chapter 4

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Author pov

"So can i know the reason you come lia", kai give her a wide smile. "Why the fuck he is smiling like this. He is behaving like he did not reject me".

Lia give him a tight smile. "I come here to talk about fourth and gemini. About their memory lose which is very weird. They just don't lose their memory but also behaving like each other. Its not feel like i am talking with gemini but fourth".

"Don't tell me you believe in jay words about exchanging of soul", kai look at her with raise brow. Lia give him a small smile.

"Well if you think i am thinking same than you are wrong because i am science person. I never believe in magic and my science never allowed me. Also i think because of memory lose they are behaving like this".

"Yes i know you will not believe it because everyone have different prespective of life but don't you find it weird that after memory lose they are behaving like each other. Whatever i just want to discuss this with you. Thanks for giving me your time. Also i will find out truth myself", she bow to him.

"I think i should go. I will try to not meet you again. Before is young crush which i forget in time but now i can't. Wow i don't know why my life is fucked up". Lia just smile and ready to go from here.

"Oh no", she is going to fall and she pull kai with her. "Ouch", kai fall on lia who have red face due to this much closeness and also this fucking embarassment.

"Are you ok your face is red", he try to check her temperature causing her to become more red with touch. "I think you have high fever because your face look like red tomato".

"Why god why? First i have to embarassed myself by confessing and now i have to embarassed myself by falling down not only that but i take him with me".

"Will you stand up from me", she try to calm herself. "Oh i am sorry", he stand up. "No its my mistake. Hope you did not get injured", she apologise. "Na i am fine", he just give her smile.

"Don't smile too much your teeth will fall down soon", lia just smile and go from there hurriedly. In hurry she again gonna fall down. She again bow kai and go from there. Kai just chuckle.

"Dammn! how can i embarassed myself like this", she hide her face. "Oh do you notice how handsome dr kai is looking. He always looking handsome but today is different", two nurse are complimenting kai and giggling.

"How i can forget where he go he become famous. Not only he but his other three friends. I am not surprised with his popularity in hospital", she just shake her head looking at nurse.

"Oh my you are miss lia", same two nurse come infront of her. Lia look at them awkwardly and nod her head. "Oh my you are legend who create LGH company. You are the one who give us many good artist. You are the one who give us gemini", both nurse are jumping with excitement.

"Oh yah", she nervously laugh. "Can i get autograph", one nurse say. "Sorry but i did not come with my any of artist".

"Now we want your autograph", second nurse told. "My autograph", she pointed herself. "I am not even celebrity or idol".

"You don't know how popular you are. You are very popular among LGH stanner. We all love you because of your behaviour. How you care and support your artist. Also when you support love when he come as lesbian your fanbase increase. So you can't imagine how famous you are", both nurse look at her with sparkle.

"It that so", she awkwardly give her autograph to them and go from there while bowing. "I never knew i will have fans. Dammn! this is crazy", she start the car.

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