Leo - 12

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An arrow flew and hit me on my right shoulder, 

"Guys! Behind us!" I yelled, I was shaking. Whatever they hit really hurt. Is this a child of Apollo? I wondered. This had to be an ambush because there was no way in Tartarus some one could get from in front of me to behind me in split seconds without making a sound. This time a hunting kni-fe flew pass me and hit Jason on his left shoulder. (I don't know which arm is Jason's sword arm so...) Jason's imperial gold sword fell to the ground with a thud. 

"Jason! Are you okay?!" Leo yelled

"I think I'm okay, but it hit my sword arm." Jason replied, pain etched in his voice.

Nico was the only one standing. The shadows shifted and  a figure emerged from the dark. Right behind Nico. A young woman, she looked around 16. She was lean with hair so dark Leo had mistaken it for black. She had it braided behind her. Somehow, even though it was loose and messy, it looked beautiful. (The braid) She was wearing a jean jacket hoodie, black plants and short black boots. A hand carved bow was in her arm with a pack of arrows slung across her back. She had a lanyard that only had a key on it. 

"NICO BEHIND YOU!" Jason yelled.

The girl yanked on her key which immediately tuned into a Stygian Iron sword. The two began to duel, Nico was barely able to keep up. Each time he tried to jab at the girl, she disappeared and reappeared behind him. For such a delicate seeming lady, she was agile and powerful. While the two dueled Jason and Leo healed up. After their arms healed they joined. Leo launched blasts of fire and Jason swiped at her with his sword. She dodged most if not all attacks. All three of them tried to attack her at once. Her eyes turned lilac purple. Skeletons rose from the ground. The grass withered at her feat. All of them overwhelmed by feelings of sorrow and despise. They saw a male tall with long black hair pulled back into a ponytail, with a red shirt. They heard the sound of a piestol (remove the e) and the male fell to the ground, another scene appeared. It was after the death of the male. The father's side of the family could no longer speak to the girl. She was barely 5. Scenes of lost continued to show either death or they distanced themselves from the girl, who had done nothing wrong. They claimed she gave off a bad vibe. Once they finally got out of the trance. Nico looked at the girl with pity. Leo looked at her with disbelief, so much loss in such short time. Jason seemed shocked as if he couldn't think of living like that, having no one to trust or live for. No one to ask for help, or to lean on. The girl turned out to be 14, younger the the rest by one year. Her eyes returned to her normal color, dark green .

She addressed Nico, "You are a child of Hades." then she turned her attention to Leo "You are a child of Hephaestus" she turned her attention once more, this time to Jason, " And you are a child of Jupiter. Correct?"
We all nodded. How could she tell?

"What are you doing here. All mortal and demigods stay away from here."
"We are here to take you with us. There is a place for roman and Greek demigods. They help you train and learn how to use your magical abilities." Nico explained.
"Why should I go with you guys. And what is a demigod?"
"A demigod is a child of the gods and a mortal." Jason explained. Leo did not want to talk to the girl, not only did females tend not to like him, she also gave off very powerful and dangerous vibes.
"How would you know if I was a demigod?"
"It is complicated but please come with us. If you turn out not to be a demigod we will let you leave. I swear on the River Styx." Nico said
"I swear on the River Styx as well." Jason added. He glanced over to Leo pleading with his eyes for Leo to swear on the River Styx.
"Fine, I swear on the River Styx" Leo said

I won't be posting over the summer probably so sorry for this.

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