Nico/Will 3

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Quick disclaimer!

Spoilers for The Sun and The Star - A Nico Di Angelo Adventure

Thank you for reading!

Nico's POV


I could tell Will was nervous about telling everyone about Tartarus, he was still bobbing his knee.

"Um guys?" Nico cleared his throat

"What's up Neeks?" replied Leo

"2 things. 1st of all, don't call me Neeks. 2nd of all, what would happen if I told you guys that you were aunts and uncles?" Everyone just stared at Nico, somewhat confused.

"Sorry but my brain is not braining, at least not in English right now but, what is an aunt and what is an uncle?" Leo questioned

"Aunt is Tia in English and uncle is Tio in English." Nico replied.

"Look Nico, I know we're all very close but, um, aren't you like, old enough to be the great grandfather of the group?" Percy asked, as brain dead as ever. Annabeth gave him a look, making Percy retreat back to his blue pancakes.

"Don't you dare try to be technical about this Perseus. I mean as aunt and uncles to my some what children, the cocoa puffs." Nico said as his many children scrambled into the empty dining pavilion. "These are my children their kind of all my insecurities." Nico said with a straight face.

"HOW IN THE NAME OF PLUTO DID THIS HAPPEN!!!" yelled Hazel. Everyone nodded in agreement, wondering how in the name of the world this happened. 

Hades/Pluto shimmered into view, "Someone call?". "No dad goodbye." Hazel replied

"Well um long story short... I went back to Tartarus! yayyy" Nico said, once again with a straight face. "Will was also there with me." (Why is this so funny to me?!)

"WHAT" the others yelled in unison.


Will's  POV

"Wait  a minute" Percy interrupted the chaos " You mean to tell me that you went to tar tar, AGIAN, and survived?!" 

"I mean yeah kind of" Nico replied

"Well if you ask me it was a lot worse than what I imagined, and being a demigod means very very wild imagination." Will said, with his left hand up, his other planted on Nico's hand.

"I have a feeling more happened. Like why did you go down there in the first place?" asked Annabeth.

"Well um. We went down there because Bob, yes Bob the Titan, was calling out for me because Nyx put him back in a zit/ regeneration pod." Nico stated

"And what Nyx did was make all of Nico's insecurities these tiny creatures, now named cocoa puffs. And I am now the adoptive father of these children." Will said as he cradled one of the cocoa puffs. 

"Okay so now we are aunt and uncles yay! But i'm starving we will come back to this another time ok." Percy said as he began to dig into his pancake.

Will and Nico exchanged a look, everything was fine now. 

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