ABDALLA - The New Kid

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Ugh! I'm apparently meeting Maj in the gym, to talk about spying on Jase. I'm not even on the volleyball team! And isn't she gonna be playing volleyball? Plus, I have to get her a sandwich! Where am I gonna get a sandwich? What is wrong with her?

Crazy, right? This whole ridiculous plan, is crazy! Oh god! This crazy girl is gonna get me in trouble!


Why me?

I'll get yelled at by Mr. Calvin to get out of the gym, and then I'll get caught running in the halls, and then the cameras will catch me and I'll get a strike, and then I won't know any details about the spying, I don't even know what I'm supposed to do!

Or worse, Maj will kill me for not getting her sandwich! Strike or Maj? Strike or Maj?

Strike or Maj?

Strike. Definitely strike. I will not deal with the ridiculous Ayah Auvora Sharifah. Definitely not. Never.

How did my life become this? An assistant to a crazy, ridiculous, covert operator? Who needs me to spy on my friend? Oh god!

This is why people always say to choose your friends wisely. So that you do not end up as an assistant to a crazy, ridiculous covert operator. I should have listened.

I regret my life choices.

My horrible, terrible life choices.

My horrible, terrible life choice to, for some crazy, ridiculous reason, say; "Sure, I'll help you". I mean, she is my best friend, but she is also crazy.

She's been my best friend since grade three, when a stupid bully named Bryce Wellesley decided to pick on me. This was by far the stupidest idea he ever had because, unfortunately for him, Maj came in. Bryce was holding me by the collar and was about to punch me in the face.

Maj saw this, and immediately went into defense mode. He was a great deal taller than her, so she kicked him on his leg and he fell to his knees while dropping me. After this, she punched him in the face and said, "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ANYONE! THOSE GRUBBY HANDS WILL NOT REACH INNOCENT PEOPLE AS LONG AS I LIVE! AND I PROMISE YOU I AM VERY HARD TO KILL!"

You see, after incidents like these, people automatically become best friends. They have no choice. It's inevitable. It's destiny.

But still, why would I say yes to such a crazy, ridiculous plan?

What is wrong with me?

Lots apparently.

"Dude! You've been standing here for like, five minutes!" I turn around to find the crazy, ridiculous covert operator I'm supposed to assist, staring at me.

I realize I've been contemplating my life choices in the doorway to Maj's T.V. room. "Sorry, just regretting my life choices," I mumble.

"What?" She looks very confused.

"What? Huh? Who said- no one said anything! Right? Right."

"Okaaaaay. But umm... we're making a guest list so... if you want to umm-"

"Sure! Yeah! Sounds great!" I reply, a little too enthusiastically.

"Why are you saying the same thing over and over again but in different wording each time?" she asks.

"Because umm- hey can I borrow that marker?" I divert my attention from Maj. Di gives me a confused look and hands me the purple marker in her hand.

"Thanks!" I take a notebook from somewhere and start scribbling activity ideas;

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