Ch.20 What Purpose?

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~~~~The Next Morning / ???'s P.O.V.~~~~

"...I'm sleepy..."

Sitting in a single chair, in the middle of a dark room, I rub my tired eyes. I've been working so hard lately for my boss' sake that I haven't been sleeping too much. Though, this one could be on me. I did offer to watch over it in her place so she could rest.

My eyes look ahead, just a few feet from me laid a body on the ground. This body belonged to Nakajima boss' former tormentor.


It's been six days now since she's been killed. My boss shot her right between the eyes. From the nurse's report, Shiori died instantly. There was no time for her to be saved by any feeble healing ability or hospital.

"...Serves her right." I mumbled under my breath.

I don't know Shiori personally, but what has been described to me, I can conclude...she's nothing but a deranged traitor. I get up and walk over to her body. It laid motionless on the floor with bandages wrapped around her head.


That's one thing that I don't get. The moment my boss brought her back, she dressed her wound. But...she's dead so...what was the point in that?

"...She can be weird sometimes..."





I saw it! I quickly turn on my heels and bolt out the room, locking the big heavy metal door behind me. My feet dash down the hall as I call for her.

"Katsu-san!!! Come quick! She's- Shiori's alive!"

~~~~Meanwhile / Katsu's P.O.V.~~~~

"So that's it? You're just going to leave?"

"Do you wish for me to stay?"

"With those facial features, no. Are you still gonna continue using that wh*re's face? You've been using it since you first came to us. I almost killed you over it."

They let out a small chuckle. "Ah, yes, that was a fun day, wasn't it? The look on your face when you realized I wasn't her was quite hilarious. But like I've said, I like this face."

"You're better off sticking that face in acid."

"Hmm." The hired help gets up from the sofa across form me. They walked towards the door where two armed guards stood. "Well, anyways, this was fun."

"..." I stand up as well. "Something just doesn't add up to me. You got a problem if I ask?"

They smile at me. "Ask away."

"...Just why did you come out of the blue to help us with our mission in the first place? From the way you spoke, Shiori did no wrong by you. So why?"

"You are correct. She didn't do anything to me. In fact, we haven't even met or spoken to each other till six days ago. I was simply testing her, and she failed. Nothing more, nothing less... She'll never be able to beat me, let alone him."

"...Are you just insane then?"

"How rude~. Coming from an escapee of Pandora's Box, you're the last person who can judge if I'm truly sane or not."

"..." I pick up the envelope they left on the table. "You really don't want your cash? You did your part and lured her out for us."

"Testing Shiori was more than enough of payment. Thank your captain for allowing me to join you guys on this job. It was really fun. Chao~. May we never meet again, cause if we do..." A smirk fills their ugly face. "I won't be able to spare such a loveable idiot like yourself." Having said their peace, they leave the room, never to be seen by me or any one of us again.

"...Crazy b*tch."


A split second later a young, twelve-year-old girl comes bursting through the door. Her light pink hair falls around her shoulders as her eyes stare at the floor in a panic. She was panting, trying to catch her breath as she stood there. I give her my full attention.

"Minami-chan, what's the issue?"

"'s Shiori..." She pants in response. "She's alive."

"..." I grit my teeth upon hearing the news. "Great... Let's go see her. Afterwards, we'll see what the captain wants to do."


I leave with my assistant in tow. We head down the hallway. "Um... Katsu-san, why are we heading this way? The cells are in the other direction." 

I sigh, thinking about it. "Before we go talk to her, I need to visit that reaper of a nurse. There's something I need to pick up beforehand. With it, I'll be able to talk to that bloodsucker in peace."

"?" Minami tilts her head in confusion. "And what's that?"

"...Your too young to know."

"I am?"

"Yes...and don't ever do what I'm about to do. You're better than me, got it?"

"Um... I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I promise I won't."

I reach out and pat her head, a tiny smile on my face. "Good, now come on."

Her eyes shine as she gazes up at me with the utmost admiration.

"Yes, of course, Katsu-san!"

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