Chapter 26

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The Warriors from the Black Crescent Rise ran and ran, jumping along the underbrush twigs, ducking the lower branches.
The Alpha wolf upfront was jumping and running the farthest, with a grin on his face.
His tongue was out sideways and his run was enthusiastic and fast.
He seemed happy.

And he was.
Finally, he'd get to do something as fun, and surely make them pay.
Who'd dared to defy his rule?.
Oh he just couldn't wait to make that person pay, besides, he'd been trying to get a clear run for his mind right?.
It was a win win.

His ardor was immediately blunted by the unnatural smell of wolves permeating from the pack ahead.
It smelt different, it seemed different.
As he got closer, he noticed there was no guards on the hidden outskirts of the borders, no guards along the way and off course no—

He was halted in his thought when he saw heated glinting grey eyes staring intently at him and his pack.
She was a little girl.
A very familiar girl come to think of it....

Her silver eyes sparkled a few times with streaks of lightning within them.
The girl had a despicable smirk on her face and the Alpha of the pack was behind her.
He let out a chuckle.
"Alpha Dylan..... How long has it been?.
Three years?.."

Dylan just deepened his frown, his gaze wholly on the girl in front of him.
Finally, the Alpha of the Black Crescent Rise realized, behind the girl, were a larger multitude of other wolves, male and female, all bulging in strength.

He cocked up an eyebrow and sucked in his breath, to let out a loud mocking laughter that filled the silent forest.
"You better be ready for the consequences Dylan, I just don't forgive."

The Alpha mind linked his Beta towards the girl and Alpha Dylan.
Dylan was about to emerge before the girl to fend off the wolf, but she raised her hands sideways to block his path further.

She stepped forward with an even deeper frown in her face belittling Alpha Dylans', crossing her arms.
"Do you remember me oh great Alpha?."
Her face was unwelcoming and her black hair fluttered in the wind, changing before their eyes to a plain grey.

The Alpha's eyes went wide.
"It's you."
His shock suddenly morphed into a mad smirk.
"Ahh what a gift you'd be?."

Her frown immediately wiped off of her face and she stared at him in fury. Her eyes glinted and her brain got fogged up, but...she sighed.
"State your business and leave!."

The Alpha began to shift back, crunches resonated the air. His bones broke and his back lessened.
Soon he was back to human, butt naked.

He was immediately passed a short by one of his members and he put it on.
Then with a smug grin, he inched closer and closer to the Night moon Pack.
His Beta, ready and prepared to lurch. The Alpha smiled and stepped even closer.
"What an actual prize you'd be?, It's a shame though I can't give you to them, I'll much rather keep mine."
He was so much closer, a few meters away, his breath about to fan her face, before....

She raised her hand that'd been temporarily changed into a huge wolf paw, and smacked his face hard, sending him flying back into his members.

He immediately stood up with a very loud growl, shifting and running towards her.
"You'll pay for that girl!."

He sped off, his speed surpassing much more than he'd ever ran, he was very angry.
She moved side ways and shifted in a black puff of air.
There was no crunch or snaps heard, it was just like magic.
She emerged in all her glory, a shimmering black, her eyes glittering in evil and her face, menacing.

She was just like his size, but her glittering black colour greatly overrode his own black wolfs' by a great margin.
Her pack members began to back away and the Alpha laughed at this.
"Ohhh...did you have to make a show for me?, I'm almost sad."

Suddenly, another smack on his face pushed him back a few meters.
She sneered
"You talk too much for an Alpha."

He lunged at her and she too jumped, aiming for a much more better height than his, knowingly she landed heavily on him.
They began to fight, tearing and clawing at the air around them in an attempt to evade and attack.
Both Alpha were in duty, and it was beginning to seem obvious that while the Alpha was furiously charging and snarling, she was simply just on the defense, obviously not fretted.

Then, finally, the Alpha got her in a hold, and struck her twice, sending her a few meters just like she'd done to him before.
She stood up and raised her paws to feel part where he'd hit.
Her hands felt wet and she brought down her paw to see it stained with a glistening liquid that shone in the night sky.

She thought.
How dumb.

She chuckled, and stifled, and then laughed, like a mad deranged witch.
Now she was certain. Lately she'd developed a coping mechanism that sprung out whenever she was so overfilled with anger and yet under the control. She'd begin to laugh like a mad person.

The Alpha felt a bit shaken, but of course he couldn't let out even an ounce of fear in this case.
Especially in this case.

Her long tongue trailed over her nose very slowly and her eyes shone a bright silver.
She fisted her paws in the soft grass and hunched her back, laughing the whole time.
Her silver eyes had a very evil glint in her eyes.

She began to grow in size, her glittery black fur, mixing up to form a clean silver.
Her fur swaying harshly in the thick breeze and her laughs getting louder.
This wasn't mad laughter any more, it became vile......evil.

"I am the Alpha here, and this is my Territory!.
Prepare to surrender!."
She growled in anger.
A strong wind began to brew, blowing away their stance and tugging at their balance.
She, stood steadily as a thin layer of bright silver shone right through her eyes.

"How audacious of you girl?.
How dare you belittle me?!."
The Alpha stood tall and proud, snarky replies spewing out of his mouth.

She sped onto him. It was now, during the high wind, that she began her fight.
"Then prepare to die Oh great Alpha."
She swung his body sideways and bit his neck....
The battle had just begun.

Once again, oblivious to blood ruby red eyes, staring at her from afar.
With the same thoughts as before..



Check out!.

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