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Hey guys!

It's been a while....

I'm sorry for not updating as frequently as I used to. I have had a lot going on plus my motivation to write is pretty much gone and it doesn't help that I hate my writing. However, I want to discuss the future of this book with you guys and get your opinion on any idea that I had.

So, I was considering unpublishing the Legends of Tomorrow portion (temporarily) and extend the Constantine portion (aka part one) of the story. I wanted to try to give it a proper conclusion/ending. Unfortunately, Constantine was canceled after 13 episodes, so we never got a proper conclusion for the rising darkness plot line which led me to end that portion so abruptly. This is why I've been considering editing that section.

If I do this, the ending would be completely not canon and my original idea MIXED with some things from the comics. The parts that I may include aren't 100% comic accurate but they would just be inspired off comic events with twists that would fit my own original ideas and OC characters.

I just want your opinion on whether you'd like this or if you'd rather I just leave the story as is. Please comment your thoughts.


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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