Chapter 24

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      "I tried so hard and got so far
but in the end it doesn't even matter~"
(Pov- these lyrics represent my life fr)


Lana's pov-

I was able to take only a few steps hurriedly until I stepped over a big rock and I stumbled forward.

My ankle twisted and I fell forward with a thud.

My nose touched the muddy ground and pain erupted in my nose and ankle.

I heard the sound of gasps and I noticed the kids gathered around me with a worried look.

I tried to sit up but squeezed my eyes shut when the sunlight fell directly over my eyes.

Suddenly a shadow fell over me and I opened my eyes to look up.

My eyes met with Aiden's who was now crouching down with a frown etched on his face.

He looked-


I was trying to figure it out properly when my hands touched my nose and pain shot through my nose.

Tears pooled in my eyes.

Okay getting hurt on your nose hurts like bitch.

I blinked back at the tears seeing everyone watching me carefully.

I took a deep breath and tried to stand up when I felt Aiden lifting me up in his arms.

His one hand was under my knees and the other was on my back.

I wriggled in his arms to stop him from picking me up.

I can walk on my own.

I don't need his help.

He lifted me up despite my restraint.

He glared at me and snapped, "Jesus Christ Woman, I'm not kidnapping you. I'm trying to help you right now so be quiet and stay still."

I narrowed my eyes at his tone and snapped back, "I didn't ask for your help."

He glared back at me and walked towards the bench placed near the field.

He placed me down on the bench and crouched down in front of me.

He grabbed my feet with the twisted ankle gently and tried to place it on his thigh. I resisted but he still placed it on his thigh.

After removing my shoe he examined my ankle.

Huh. He's not even a doctor.

He hummed and turned his head towards a kid and said rudely, "where are the first aid supplied kept."

I softly kicked his leg with my other leg and he looked at me with a frown and I said, "be nice."

He clenched his jaw and sighed at me.

A muscle ticked in his jaw and he said to the kid, "Do you mind telling me where the first aid supplies are kept?.... Please?"

I poked my tongue inside my cheek to stop myself from smiling.

He sounded so funny saying that.

The kid nodded and Aiden got up to follow him towards the first aid room.

I remain seated in the bench and Jane cam towards me with a worried look.

She sat beside me on the bench and said, "oh honey what happened to you?"

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