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Mingyu: Who's party we are in?

Wonwoo: Annual party of kingdom. All royals come together from different kingdoms to celebrate.

Mingyu: Great! More creatures.

Wonwoo: How can you still walk after night?

Mingyu: I am always ready for party.

Wonwoo: Come here.

Mingyu and Wonwoo get aside. Wonwoo look into his eyes. Mingyu's eyes turn into slight black. 

Mingyu: What are you doing?

Wonwoo:  Customizing as vampire. ( rub his wrist on Mingyu's neck)

Mingyu: Why this?

Wonwoo: Werewolves nose are sharp. The scent we can't smell, get identified by them.

Mingyu: According to movies. Werewolves and Vampire are enemies.

Wonwoo: It's true. We are. That's why you need to be attentive. Don't go near other vampires neither look in their eyes. Shapeshifters can get in any form. Act cool. Mom and dad will be here too. But after a while. Don't eat without looking in nametag.

Mingyu: Okay.

Wonwoo: Be with me.

Mingyu: Is this party or PTM. So many restrictions.

Wonwoo: Now good. You look like vamp.

Mingyu: Aww! My boyfriend. ( hug his arm)

Both roam. 

Wonwoo: Hello.

Lady: Hi! Who is he?

Wonwoo: My mate. Mingyu

Lady: Finally you found your mate. How old are you?

Mingyu: 23.

Lady: Huh?

Mingyu: 223. ( chuckle nervously)

Lady: You found young for you.

Wonwoo: I know. ( go )

Mingyu: Can't you tell my age before?

Wonwoo: Now listen. You are 223 years old. Drink 2 humans blood a day. Favourite group is +O. Your favourite song is-

Mingyu: I am not changing from Healing to any other.

Wonwoo: And Your blood color is dark red.

Mingyu: I already have dark red blood.

Wonwoo: 'Extra' dark red.

Mingyu: I also have 'Extra' dark red.

Wonwoo sigh. Mingyu smile. They kiss shortly.

Mingyu: This look good. ( pick a cupcake)

Wonwoo: It have human brain.

Mingyu put it back safely. He look at name tag.

Mingyu: This soup?

Wonwoo: Blood. ( pick a cup and drink)

Mingyu: I am not hungry.


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