Tourist spot

125 7 2

Mingyu: Not this soap. Rose one.

Wonwoo put white soap and took red soap. He rub soap on Mingyu's arm. Their bathtub covered in bubbles. Hiding their bodies.

Wonwoo: I should call dad for-

Dad: Hey son.

Both look.


Dad: Why you are screaming?

Wonwoo: Where you are?

Dad: In house.

Wonwoo: Which room?

Dad: Bathroom. ( saying normally)

Mingyu: Get out of here!

Mingyu splash water on dracula.

Dad: Hey! Hey! ( escaping attacks)

Mingyu throw soap at him. It hit Dracula's forehead.

Wonwoo: What a aim. Direct at middle.

Mingyu: Get out! 

Dad: Why? 

Mingyu throw shampoo bottles at him. Then anything come in range of younger's hand, it become weapon for Mingyu to throw at dracula.

Mingyu: GET OUT!

Dad: But why?! Stop throwing things!

Mingyu pick large shower. He was about to throw at him.

Dad: Not that shower. It hurts even when it heals!

Mingyu: GET OUT!!!

Dad: BUT WHY!?!

Dad look. 

Dad: Oh. Bath, I have no problem.

Mingyu: Get out! I will call mom.

Mom: Yes honey.

Both look. Mingyu scream again.

Mom: Shit! Wrong timing. 

Dad: Correct timing.

Mom: You come to castle. I will make you rat. ( take him and disappear)

Both look. Mingyu hit his hand on water.

Mingyu: Bathing over. ( about to go)

Dad: I want to tell that-


Wonwoo: Hey! ( take Mingyu back)

Dad disappear again. Mingyu cry.

Mingyu: Is this a tourist spot? Why everyone come here?

Wonwoo: You are here that's why. This scene isn't common for all.

Mingyu blush. Wonwoo rub non thrown on him.

Mingyu: Bathroom is mess.

Wonwoo levitate all thrown things and put them back.

Mingyu: Why didn't you use this when hunters broke in our house?

Wonwoo think.

Wonwoo: Maybe I forgot to.

Mingyu: Idiot. ( hit him)


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