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Mingyu stir. He whine and open his eyes slowly. He look. He was buried on Wonwoo's chest. He move lightly. Wonwoo woke up and look. He hug him securely, patting his hairs. Mingyu raise himself until he was facing Wonwoo.

Mingyu: I want to be cleaned.

Wonwoo: Do you want my tongue or- 

Mingyu hit him. He blush.

Mingyu: Shower. 

Wonwoo smile. He sat on bed and stand. Picking Mingyu bridal style. Then entering in bathroom. Door automatically close. Taps open and fill bath tub. Wonwoo put Mingyu in tub. Mingyu hiss and hug Wonwoo. Not letting water touch him. Wonwoo did magic. Cold water fill in tub with hot water. He put Mingyu in it. Mingyu get in it without any problem. Wonwoo take soap and rub onto Mingyu's shoulder. Mingyu hold his hand and pull a little. Wonwoo also get in tub. Mingyu sat on him and relax. Wonwoo wash his body. He lick the dry blood from his neck.

Mingyu: I was going to punish you for going rough by not kissing you. But you are addicting. ( peck his lips)

Wonwoo: Hmm~ ( kiss him)

Both kiss. Then Wonwoo get on his work. Cleaning younger's body gently. Mingyu liking soft touches.  He slept on him.

Mingyu again woke up. He look around. In Wonwoo's dark room. He sat on bed. Still sore but well cleaned. He look in blanket. Also dressed in Wonwoo's clothes. Well... He don't have any his clothes here but he also don't bring. He dress in Wonwoo's cloth. Wonwoo don't have any problem. But his dad. Mom always need to pull dracula's ears or throw him. His dad is pervert.

Mingyu: Left me alone. Bad boyfriend.

Wonwoo: Really? ( get on bed)

Mingyu: Yes.

Both kiss.


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