Chapter 5 - Cadre

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Knockout was floating.

Outside of the triangular window before him, he could see a small planet, barely even a moon. Around it, pieces broke off and floated into the abyss, like a flower shedding its petals. Only these petals were far from that of beauty- discarded metal, rusted and corroded tore off in chunks. The very compact garbage the planet was made of crumbling away before his optics. A waste planet, Junkion.

Knockout had been unamused when he and his partner had arrived to the rust ball, chasing a warship which was chasing a second warship, hoping that the first had room for two more mouths to supply energon to. They never even touched down on Junkions surface, by the time that they arrived there was little point. See, it wasn't just plates of metal breaking from the dumps gravitational pull.

Bodies. Cybertronion, or perhaps from elsewhere in the universe. Metal carcasses floating in space like a child's doll dropped into a lake. Unmoving, unthinking, unfunctional.

The Autobots Ark had arrived to the planet first. Knockout did not know what exactly had transpired, only that by the time that he and Breakdown had arrived, tailing the Nemesis' signal, both ships were engaged in combat. The planet crumbling to dust underneath them.

The planet was unraveling, and quickly. Scraps the side of buildings shooting off into the unforgiving vacuum which surrounded them.

"There is still time to help them," Breakdown mused "at least, some of them."

Knockout looked to the screen in front of him, displaying the Nemesis' quickly evaporating signal grow weaker by the second. They had been too late, the ship had taken off after the Autobots. The cherry medic turned his glance back to the viewport, to the growing swarm of bodies. "There is no time," he said with defeat.

Breakdown did not seem to like this answer. "You have a duty to help them, Knockout."

"I have a duty to Cybertronions, and the only living ones on this side of the galaxy will be gone within the minute." Knockout spoke more firmly this time, but Breakdown only frowned, "We don't have enough fuel to chase after them forever. We need to get within range and send a distress signal or we will be stuck here..." Knockout gestured to the bodies which we're slowly approaching, " them, forever."

Knockout grabbed the controls of the ship, directing it towards the direction that the Nemesis took. As the ship spun, it hit something with a thud. Knockout gaped in shock at what was before him. A body. But not just any body, a Cybertronion body. A seeker, a femme. Her purple and grey body was coated with fresh energon.

The Nemesis' signal grew even fainter, if they didn't act soon, they would be stranded forever.

The purple femme, with her Decepticon insignia proudly displayed on her chest, hovered there. Motionless.

"By the Allspark," Breakdown gasped, "commander Slipstream."

The Nemesis' signal approached the limit of the ships scanners.

Slipstream opened her eyes, ruby optics peering through the ships viewport and directly at Knockout.

Knockout slammed on the accelerator, and the pair shot off into space.



Knockout opened his optics, shaking the memory from his helm. With any luck, he would forget about the dream by noon.

Rubbing his forehead, he slowly sat up, taking in his surroundings. The makeshift berth was far from comfortable, he didn't understand why they couldn't have taken an actual berth from the Nemesis before returning to Earth. Whatever, he had recharged in worse conditions.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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