Chapter 2 - Mistake

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The Autobots left shortly after dropping that bombshell.

'we're sending you to Earth'

'Can I go to Junkion instead?' he'd asked them. 'Can you count your blessings?' Bulkhead had responded. 'I don't believe in blessings.'

Then they told him to pack his things, before taking their leave of course. They disappeared somewhere into the ship, Knockout didn't care where.

The medical bay was empty. If he took a step forward the echo would bounce around the room several times before dying in his audios. The blandness of the grey suite was beginning to get to him.

Vehicon's marched in and out around him. Worker bees rushing from task to task, carrying boxes filled to the brim with various pieces of equipment. Knockout stood in the middle of the room, shoulders squared and at the ready. The soldiers paid him no mind, passing around him swiftly, as if he were nothing but a support beam. He turned his helm slowly from right to left as he took in his surroundings. Empty. His tools were gone, the countertops barren. Even the buffer was gone, packed away in some metal box somewhere and on its way through the space bridge.

His life, everything he knew, disappearing through an open portal. Each soldier marching a small part of Knockout away and out of reach, fading off into a fog beyond waves of green.


The groundbridge was still open, several vehicon's returning back through it after the two escape pod guests were confirmed to be friendly. A thin mech paced In front of it, tall wings silhouetted against the light of the vortex like the iris of an optic.

"So, you're the 'support' from Junkion?" The silver seeker scoffed, "You don't look like much."

"I beg your pardon!" Knockout spat, bewildered.

At first, their host ignored Knockout, turning his back to the pair and strutting forward, lazily throwing his hand up above him in a motion for them to follow. Knockout looked at Breakdown, who only shrugged as if to say 'got anywhere else to go?' The two mechs followed the seeker from a short distance, Knockout stumbling subtly on an injured leg.

The sleek mech clicked his glossa, wings twitching slightly in annoyance. "Beseechment is reserved for those lacking spinal structure. A fine Decepticon would never reduce themselves to such lowly grovelling. However, if you find yourself unfit for the title, dear doctor," red optics narrowed, looking Knockout up and down in disapproval, "then by all means, beg."

The Commander had stopped to turn and face the pair once again, twirling around in the mud of the recent crash.

"Commander Starscream," Breakdown interjected, "many soldiers were rescued, we were separated from their transport when we entered a neighbouring galaxy, our pod broke off in a solar storm." Breakdown swallowed, he was rambling, "anyway, my point is me," he glanced at Knockout, "and my partner, are quite qualified." When Starscream simply turned his lip up in disinterest, Breakdown folded. "But yes, the relief mission didn't go as planned."

"Clearly." Starscream scowled "What of Slipstream? As your previously given report stated you so graciously saved her." The Seeker drawled, tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Commander Slipstream is offline." Knockout stated with a monotone inflection, as was professional. "She succumbed to her injuries shortly after our ship left the planet, what remained of it anyway."

Starscream froze for a moment, not saying anything. Breakdown took the silence as a slight against Knockout and rushed to his defence. "He's a good medic."

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