Sorting Hat Revelations.

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   Seeing the train, one would assume that the school was also built like an olden building. And they are right. It looks right like a castle. With huge towers on all four sides and a huge ground around it. The castle is built on a hill so the ground is not even of course. The school gives a royal feel walking through the tall gates.

Me, Lucian, Damon and Sylvian walk together and we are stopped near the grand staircase by a man who looks like he's the caretaker. He looks evil through and through and I decide right then that I am never crossing him if it's up to me.

"All of you first-years wait here till sir arrives." He snarls. What is he so upset for? Who pissed in his morning breakfast? Saying that - sorry snarling that, he walks away.

The huge double doors in front of us open and reveal a man coming out dressed in a white royal suit with a white cape flowing behind him. He is a blonde man with ocean blue eyes and a warm, kind smile on his face. He walks like he belongs to the royal family. He must be in his late 30s to early 40s. He comes to a stop in front of us and greets us all with arms spread wide.

"Welcome children to Phoenix Crest Magical Institute! I am Professor Alexander Agustus, the head of the Vortex Vale house. Before you all have your dinner and move to your common first year dormitories, you will all be sorted into houses based on your magical abilities. See to it that you will only have different subjects and uniforms based on your house, but your sleeping areas and common rooms are common for all of you. The arrangements are according to the years you belong to. First years together, seconds together and so on." He looks at all of us and smiles. "Now, if you will please follow me into the hall where the whole school awaits!"

Wow, great. No pressure at all. Whole school awaits. Yep, completely normal.

We all follow Professor Alexander Augustus to the hall which is huge. And when I say huge, I mean HUGE. It can easily fit the whole train we came in. There are seven tables arranged and the one right in the centre is empty. All the students on the other six tables turn and stare at us like we are specimens in a zoo.

"WELCOME!" A voice booms right from the front of the huge hall. "I am your headmaster Reginald Mysthaven." Oh. Nice name.

Grand Hall would be better?

The man whose voice boomed over us, was an old man. He had a white beard and moustache and the beard reached his chest. Well groomed. He was wearing a grey suit and had a grey cape over it.

Everyone in this institute belongs to the royal family or what?

"First you will all be sorted and then the feast will begin!" Saying that he went and took his seat at the teacher's table at the front overlooking the whole grand hall.

A three legged stool was placed in the centre and Professor Alexander Augustus brought a crystal? A crystal? How will a crystal sort us into houses?

OK I live in a magical world. Anything is possible.

Some white smoke sort of thing started swirling in the crystal and it emanated a very soft white glow all over the hall. All of a sudden all the candles in the hall were put out and only the crystal was glowing. It looked enchanting.

Suddenly, a voice started speaking. We looked around to find out who it was, but every student on the tables was staring at the crystal.

The crystal spoke?!?

"In the halls of magic, where secrets unfold,

Four houses stand, each with tales untold.

The Flames of Phoenix Crest.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora