ZODIAC (Chapter 2)

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  • Dedicated to Kia Saint-Louis

Chapter 2


Trail markers appeared on the trees and rocks that pointed back to the bridge. As I walked along the path I saw that everyone still had their auras long after the buzzer finished. I figured it was like laser tag when everyone's lights come back on and you see who was on what team. With that thought out of the way I entertained myself with taking in the scenery. Now that I wasn't running a marathon or hiding from a raptor, I was able to appreciate how nice the forest was. I never saw this much nature growing up in New York. The city has a surprising amount of trees, but foreigners would never know unless they took a bus tour and dodged the branches that frequently hit the passengers on top. I always thought that Central Park was the wilderness, with its trees and all the grass; but here amidst the real thing I realized how wrong I was. Looks like my world just expanded.

The walk back was considerably shorter than the jog to get to the safe zone so I figured that we had gone around the perimeter to get near the back. Of course where I went after Khalid and I split up, I have no idea. Before I knew it the group that was slightly ahead of me stepped onto the bridge. I followed a little ways behind and realized that I was the last person to arrive. The RA was back at his podium already congratulating the sharks on a job well done. When I stepped off of the bridge, the RA looked at me and for a moment wore a shocked expression and a flash of anger before shining a cold smile on me.

"Well sharks, it seems that you didn't do as good a job as I thought you did. You missed a spot" The RA said with a condescending tone. I shrank a bit as I once again became the center of attention. The crowd burst out into whispers and chatters as people started circulating rumors and exchanging theories. The auras began to fade and I scanned the crowd for any sign of Khalid or Salina. I saw Jack and started towards him, but the RA wasn't finished, "Make note, everyone, how Xavier the Great made Linmere University history as the first and only freshman to win by himself. He doesn't even have a scratch on him."

I felt the blood drain from my face as I saw the effect of his words on the crowd. People began nodding in assent, or gaping in awe. I saw one group of kids near the front who stood slightly apart from the rest. I recognized the azure boy from the Starbucks and John back in his human form. Next to them were two red haired kids a boy and a girl, who looked surprisingly similar. I recalled that Jack had gone to go find the twins that Khalid had mentioned. I caught their gazes at the same time and the girl stared disinterestedly at me while the guy glared. I couldn't imagine what I had done to anger them, but right before I looked away I saw that their eyes were orange. Just like fire I thought to myself. Then behind them a tall brown haired kid with a green left eye and a hazel right eye stood chastising the azure boy.

"I told you to find the safe zone and guard it" he said in a severe tone.

"I had to go to the bathroom" the azure boy replied simply. He looked bored and slightly annoyed.

"Did I tell you, you could go to the bathroom?" the tall boy said staring hard.

"I don't recall ever needing permission" the azure boy said as his jaw clenched in a tight line.

"Remember your place."

"Oh, I know mine, but I think you need to be reminded of yours." Suddenly the trees were filled with a deafening rustle of leaves. The breeze strengthened for a moment and then suddenly died back down. The boy from the café glared back at his friend and they stayed like that for a few seconds. I saw a line of sweat drip down the café boy's face and stain his shirt. He laughed and turned away, "You take things way too seriously Andrew."

"You don't take things seriously enough" Andrew retorted. He looked dead at me and held his gaze as he went on, "Just make sure it doesn't happen again."

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