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Riot grinned down at the man who lay next to him.

"If I told you that, then we wouldn't be able to leave this bed for a while," he replied.

"Come on, just a little!" Carlton asked, giving what Riot took to be puppy eyes. "You know everything about me and I hardly know anything about you! It's not fair that you get to look inside my brain but I don't have access to yours!"

"There's a reason for that," Riot smirked. "You'd pass out because you'd cum so hard from reading the first sentence."

"Stop," Carlton mumbled and flushed red. Riot chuckled and tugged him closer.

"I'm not sure you would understand if I did grant you access," he murmured softly. "We demons are very sophisticated beings."

"So are humans."

"Yes, but you're not immortal," Riot pointed out, giving him a gentle kiss on the temple. "And that's why you need me."

"Hmphf," Carlton pouted, crossing his arms and turning his head away.

"Carlton...." Riot sang softly and his grip became possessive. "Don't hide from me..."

"I'm not hiding," Carlton mumbled, face still blushing.

"Oh, such a little baby," Riot growled affectionately as he pressed them close. "If I told you, your tiny little brain wouldn't be able to handle it."

"My brain is just fine, thank you."

"Your brain is delicious," Riot purred. "Tasty. Sweet."

"Just don't eat it," Carlton muttered.

"Hmm, yes. I'd rather eat other parts of you," Riot mused. Carlton could feel the other large, muscled arm slide down his back and tease at his boxers. "Like your cute little dick and your juicy ass..."

"Shh, stop, no!" Carlton snapped out of frustrated arousal. "If you're not going to answer my question, then just go back to sleep!"

"I don't sleep," Riot chuckled.

"Yeah, well...stop touching me." A hesitation. "Please."

"Since you asked so nicely....."

Riot's hand came back to rest on Carlton's shoulder and gently squeezed, giving it a little massage for the moment.

"Well....if you really want to know...." the demon hinted and Carlton turned back towards him now.

"Tell me," he said, intrigued.

"I will only tell you some, not all," Riot explained. "Remember....." he licked Carlton's temple, "you are young and fragile and cannot consume much information at a time."

"Yes, yes, I have a small brain," Carlton said, blushing despite himself.

"Ready, Carlton?"

Carlton looked up at Riot and saw the demon looking down at him expectantly.

"Oh. I thought you were going to tell me?" he asked, slightly confused.

"Not by mouth," Riot growled. "Close your eyes."

"Okay." Carlton did so.

"Relax. You're stiff," Riot hummed and as the man tried to get himself to relax, Riot began to stroke the man's small, brown, smooth body with his tentacles. "Take a few deep breaths and let them out slowly. This will not be a simple answer to your question."

"Well, it's nice to know that—" Carlton began, but he was suddenly quieted when Riot wrapped a thick tentacle around his head. It was gentle and careful with him and Carlton instantly caved under the touch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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Demon Riot and Carlton DrakeWhere stories live. Discover now