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It's been a week since I slipped around Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters and I've been avoiding her since then. I can't believe I let my guard down, I feel so embarrassed and although I really enjoyed it, I'm just worried she will think I'm not competent anymore and will get rid of me. And that is the last thing I want, I love working here at the castle and being near her and the girls and I would be really sad if she fired me because I'm little.

It's been hard not to slip around them again though. Although my interactions with them have been limited I still have to see Bella every morning when I start working and in the afternoon when I'm dismissed, and she is always calling me little Rose which doesn't help. I'll really have to keep my act together and not slip if I want to keep my job.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts as Bean climbs onto my bed and gives me some morning kisses on my nose, he is so cute and fluffy. I brought him a little treat last night so he's been extra sweet this morning, he probably wants me to bring another one today.

I look to my right where a clock sits on my nightstand showing it's now 6:50am. Ugh, i'm really not a morning person, especially this week, I haven't been sleeping well, only like 4 hours each night and I can feel the tiredness piling up like a ton of bricks. I should really get up and get ready though, I don't want to be late for breakfast and I really must look tidy, if Bella does my hair again I might just slip with how tired I am.

*Time skip 2 hours *

Breakfast went smoothly even though Bella kept asking me if I was okay and calling me little Rose. I just ate my breakfast super fast and started cleaning quickly.

I cleaned the inside of the windows along with a few other maids, I also helped out in the kitchen for half an hour and now I'm currently sweeping one of the long hallways in this huge castle. My arms and legs are tired and I keep yawning with how sleepy I am but I need to work for at least another hour before I take a break.
I spend another 20 minutes just sweeping but with each passing second I grow more exhausted and irritated and I whine out softly at my current state.
This is so not fair, I just want to sleep well at night and be little without worrying if I'll get fired or not but my meanie Brian just won't let me.
I pout softly and wipe away a tear that was trying to escape my eye and decide to sit down against a wall for 5 minutes hoping it will help me calm down and rest before continuing cleaning.


Alcina's POV

I've been watching the little Rose for a while now. a very concerned looking Bella came to find me after breakfast this morning and informed me Olivia looked absolutely exhausted and seemed to be trying her very best to stay big. I had smiled at the thought of the precious little girl using the little strength she had to stay big, I wish she would just let go and allow me to care for her. I'm planning on giving her a few more days before I call her to my study and chat with her about it.

She's currently sweeping the floors in the wing close to my room, not that I think she knows that but it's perfect in case she ends up slipping.
She's been sweeping for at least an hour and a half and I can tell every second of it is making her more tired and irritated, so much so that soon I her soft sniffles and said little girl sitting against the wall trying to compose herself.

I'm about to leave my hiding place and go to talk to her when another maid that's been working here for at least 3 years walks up to her.

" oh here you are you pathetic excuse of a human. What are you crying for, huh? Is the dumb little maid oh so tired that she needs to sit down and rest like a stupid little baby?" The insolent maid says leaving me fuming. I'm about go give her a piece of my mind but my sweet Rose starts speaking, the harsh words clearly causing her to slip.

" hey, why you bein a meanie, I not dumb, I smart, and I jus really tired, need bweak, leave me 'lone" she says standing up with her arms crossed, her serious face making me chuckle softly.

The maid just laughs and an evil smirks appears on her face "oh you really are a stupid little baby, I'm definitely not leaving you alone now, and guess what, the annoying sister monsters aren't here to protect you like always" she says loudly in my baby's face and harshly pushes her against the wall causing her to fall, any sense of bravery she might of had long gone as she erupts in sobs.

That does it and in the blink of an eye my hand is on the insolent maid's neck as I call out for my girls to come and assist me.
The girls are there in an instant, helping me detain the good for nothing maid so that I can finally tend to my little Rose who is not only hurt but probably scared too.
I turn around but all I see is her little feet running away and the echo of her sobs filling the hallway.

I'm desperate to go look for my little Rose but I quickly turn around and giving the maid a nasty look before looking at my girls and instructing them what to do, "Girls go deal with her please, if there's something I can't tolerate or forgive around my castle is bullies. Oh and girls, please don't take long, I don't need the scared little girl that's hiding somewhere in this castle to be even more frightened by this lowlife's screams"
Cassandra and Bella grab the maid and all three girls look back at me smiling as they say "yes mother".

Now off to find my poor Rose, I know she's scared but I certainly hope i it's not because of me, I hope I don't seem that terrifying to her. I really wish she hadn't ran but with my impeccable hearing I'm sure I'll find her in no time. I make a quick stop in my room first to grab a few items that might help her calm down once I find her.

To my surprise, as I walk into my room I not only hear a heartbeat but soft cries coming from underneath my bed. I decide not to move any further and potentially scare the girl even more so I decide to try and lure her out instead.
"Olivia hun, are you here? I know you're hurt and scared but I need you to come out so that I can help you"
"N-no *hiccup* Owivia no-not here, I a scary bed monster" her soft voice replies making a quiet chuckle leave my lips.
" oh dear, a scary bed monster, I won't be able to sleep tonight then, I better check under my bed and hope the bed monster is friendly and won't scare me at night!" I reply playing into her story
Her cries die down a bit and a soft giggles now accompany her sniffling. I walk over to my bed and carefully bend down until I'm fully lying on my side in the floor and lift up the bedsheet covering the side of my bed
" oh hello there, you don't look like a monster, you look like a certain little one I know"
Her eyes just widen in response and she shakes her head as she whimpers giving me a scared look.
I can't help but read my hand under the bed moving pthe hair out of her face and caress the side of her cheek with my thumb.
" oh little one, what's got you whimpering? You know you're safe with me?"
"I I scared" she cries out softly as she leans into my touch
"And what are you scared of sweet girl?"
"I I scared you no like me no more and kick me out if I small"
" oh little one, is that why you've been avoiding me and why you're so scared now? Do you think I'm going to get rid of you because you're little?"
She nods her head and whimpers in response.
I caress her cheek one more time before softly grabbing her chin and directing her eyes towards me

" never in a million years my sweet girl, I would never kick you out little Rose, little or big. I love your little self, you're so adorable and if you let me, I would love to take care of you, and I know the girls would too." I tell her softly
Her eyes widen and a smile pulls at her lips, "really?"
I smile at the wonder in her eyes "yes my love, really"
She smiles at me with excitement and calm in her eyes and softly closes them as the physical and emotional exhaustion of the day wash over her.


That's chapter 5 everyone, I hope you like it! The next chapter we'll finally get to see little Olivia more now that she knows she can trust Alcina with both her big and little self. I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you like it. Let me know if there's anything specific you'd like to see in any upcoming chapters and I'll see where I can fit y'all's suggestions.

I also think I'm going to continue updating on Fridays instead of Mondays from now on.

Have a lovely days lovelies :)

- Violet

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