Tiny Rose

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Lady Dimitrescu POV

"Uh oh indeed little one" I say as I look at the surprised girl in front of me.

"Hey, I'm not little" she says pouting and stomps her foot at me. She quickly realizes what she just said and who she was talking to and quickly covers her mouth as her eyes open wide and I can hear her heartbeat pick up.
" I-I'm sorry Lady Dimitrescu, I-I didn't m-mean to say that" she lets out softly as she stares at the floor.

I take a step toward her and put my finger under her chin forcing her to look at me " hmmm, all forgiven little Rose. I see someone's quite grumpy though, maybe it's time you took a little nap"

Her cheeks turn red as I keep my grip on her chin and she lets out a barely audible whine. This little interaction is all I need to feel convinced she is most probably an age regressor. I won't let her know I'm on to her though, I want her to feel comfortable enough to slip around me when she's ready.

"Well Miss Olivia, I came here because you seem to be holding everyone up for dinner, everyone's waiting for you downstairs. I hope these breaks don't become a regular occurrence. And I'll let you keep the cat as long as you promise not to lie again or hide things. I don't like when people hide things from me" I say as I give her a stern look

"Thank you Lady Dimitrescu. I promise not to lie again, pinky promise" she says as she offers me her pinky.

My face softens and a small smile pulls at the corner of my lips at the girl's action. "Why thank you little one, I'm glad to hear you'll be honest with me from now on"

She smiles at me proudly and puts her cat down before we both make our way to the dining room.

"I believe this is your stop Olivia, enjoy your dinner" I tell her as I open the door for her and give her back a little nudge. 

She quickly turns around and give me a quick hug letting out a little squeak as she scampers into the dining hall. 

A soft smile finds its way onto my face. Gosh, I seem to be smiling all the time since she got here, but what can I say, I hope someday soon she can be my tiny Rose. 


That's chapter three, I hope you like it, I love how cute their interaction turned out to be. I know it's a bit of a shorter chapter but hopefully I'll be able to upload a second chapter sometime this week. Have a lovely week everyone :) 

- Violet 

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